Gaston Ouvrieu and Blindfold Driving July 30, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
A delightful end of month story. Our hero is Gaston Ouvrieu who, in 1917, received a serious injury while serving in the French army. When he woke up in hospital he was alleged to be able to read the minds of other patients, as the doctor took his pulse: Ouvrieu needed this ‘telegraph’ effect for […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament #11: A Conclusion November 17, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
***Dedicated to all those, who have helped Beach with this series, particularly Bob S*** A couple of comments before driving on to a general conclusion on the Perceval murder [for all previous posts follow this link], comments that will surprise no one who reads this blog regularly. Beach is a hoary old sceptic. He […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament #9: Mr Fox Speaks (or Lies)! November 5, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
***Many interesting comments on the Perceval case, particularly from Bob S who has done far better at digging out rare sources than Beach. Here is one that passed Strange History by completely but that Bob happily picked up*** Here is yet another source for the Williams dream from The autobiography of Sir John Rennie by […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament #8: Abercrombie and a Friend from Madras Speak! October 27, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach began thinking that there was just one account of Williams dream, his own (1832). He then learnt there was a second earlier account (dating to 1828), which shows signs of not being written by the author. However, since then – in great part thanks to Wade and Bob – he has realized that there […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament 7#: Perceval Speaks! October 23, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
***For all previous posts on the Perceval Dream follow this link*** In one of the many modern books that describe the Williams’ dream this strange addition to the legend is included. Get ready for a laugh. A week later, Spencer Perceval himself had a very disturbing dream. After he shared with his family the nightmare […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament #3: The Earliest Account October 11, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This appeared in The Times 16 Aug 1828 ‘Remarkable Coincidences’. We have been able to find no earlier trace of the alleged dream of the murder of 1812. It is clearly valuable for its age and seems to depend on the special knowledge of Mr Williams. However, serious discrepancies with the later account (next post) […]
Dreaming Murder in Parliament #1: Arthur Speaks October 7, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This case is a psychic classic that Beach has long wanted to look into. He thought he would begin with a well-written but uncritical account to show just how excited people can get. Cue Arthur Conan Doyle who claimed that this was ‘clear proof of psychic action… though there is some slight confusion about the […]
Dreams of Murder June 29, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Telepathy is a curious concept and not the least curious part of this most curious ability is the inability to properly document it. However, in the annals of telepathy (so-called or imaginary, factual and always elusive) some of the most interesting cases have involved dreams and murder: ‘murder will out’ in a bouquet of pink […]
‘Psychic’ Phenomena: Trends in Time? July 24, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beach has had a lot of fun today reading Andrew Lang from morning to the kids’ homecoming. What a pleasure! Lang (obit 1912) was a Victorian/Edwardian writer who had a clear fascination with psychic-phenomena among many, many other things. But Lang was tough-minded and always looked for other solutions before starting on about clairvoyance or […]
Quentin Craufurd and Telepathy Among Birds July 12, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Splendid Chap*** We’ve met Quentin Craufurd on several occasions. He was a leading light of the FIS, perhaps the leading light. He also wrote extensively on clairvoyance. Beach is working up a bibliography of his work and has already got to eight including life boat shanties (!) and dawn in India. No greater […]