Homer Hasenpflug Dubs and Roman Legionaries in Ancient China December 20, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Drum roll, trumpet blast enter Homer Hasenpflug Dubs (obit 1969) an American-born Oxford don with a name that sounds as it it was purloined from an 1890s feel-good novel. Homer, to friends, was a capable if eccentric sinologist based out of ‘the other place’ for most of his teaching life. He wrote – as was […]
Ten Thousand Romans in Turkmenistan September 19, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
There are many reasons for which individuals have travelled a long way from home in history: money, love, fear… But a vitally important and generally overlooked motive is imprisonment. Soldiers taken in battle have often (and very sensibly) been moved from where they were captured to the furthest possible point from their own country to avoid […]