Escaping the Guillotine March 4, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Capital punishment: it’s been a while. Beachcombing was thinking about close escapes from death penalty. There are two types of these, of course: either royal screw ups on the part of executioners or daring escapes at the point of death. The first category would include John Lee and a few others who somehow survived a […]
Escapes, Wives and Cases October 21, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
A reflection on escapees. Beachcombing was brought up in the shadow of the Second World War where escape stories were nutrition for a growing boy. Then he made the mistake of reading the Count of Monte Cristo at an impressionable age. Are there any more exciting pages in fiction than Edmond’s fake funeral? Beach can […]