The Golden Ghost of Mold #2: Walter Johnson Debases Gold August 14, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern, Prehistoric
Beach has frequently enjoyed before the power of oral transmission: information skipping across the centuries like a flat stone spun over a pond. Here is a supposed memory of oral transmission concerning the Golden Ghost tomb from Mold in northern Wales. This time the account comes from Walter Johnson’s Folk Memory and Archaeology (1907) A […]
Eaten by Rats? August 11, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
***Dedicated to Chris C*** A short post to ask a very simple question: can rats kill homo sapiens? Of course, given the bubonic plague the answer is yes. But what about in a more simple and straightforward fashion. Can a big enough group of rats attack and overpower a weak enough human being or are […]
The Allies and NOT Faking the Holocaust August 4, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Several emails about the horrific photograph of the murdered woman and child at Ivangorod. Many of these emails went around the idea that this photograph was a misunderstanding (an idea that we have now argued against under the post itself) or that it was a fake. Certainly, if you stroll around the internet there are […]
The Wessel Coins #3: Kilwa and its Sultanate July 27, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Kilwa (or Quiloa as it was often called in European sources) was a small almost-tidal island off the coast of Tanzania. ‘Almost tidal’ because in its early history there was allegedly a causeway and even in later centuries it was possible to wade to Kilwa at low tide. The city of Kilwa was a […]
Colonialism and Burying the Irish Under Buildings July 18, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Luise White published, in 2000, her Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa. Very crudely – the book is difficult to reduce to a simple core because it recognizes complexity on the ground –White shows how colonial anxiety was played out through what she chose to call ‘vampire’ legends. Europeans and their agents […]
Forgotten Kingdoms: Enclave London! July 12, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
In 410 the walls of Britannia came crashing down. In a situation of great confusion Rome apparently disavowed its interest in the island; the island that had always been its poorest province, and got on with trying to save its continental possessions: the failure of that task a generation later marked the end of the […]
The Bull of Brandlesholme (another reason to avoid Lancashire) July 10, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A transcendental experience this morning in the wood: came face to face with a cow-sized wild boar that sniffed at me and then went to chew on a neighbour’s cherries. Medium-sized or large creatures in the wild often have a magical quality: foxes and deer are a particular favourite. ‘The Lords of Life’, as Lawrence […]
The Schist Disc: A Sceptic Speaks July 6, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
***Dedicated to Wade, who sent this treasure in*** If you hang round ancient archaeologists long enough you end up being shown pictures of strange objects and being asked ‘What do you think that is for? What did they do with that?’ The sophistication of ancient technology and the complexity of ancient societies – compared with […]
Faking in Ninetenth-Century Seances June 26, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach has stumbled again into the world of nineteenth-century séances in search of fun. And he’s awfully glad he ended up there. What mummery! What hoaxing! What extraordinary imbecility on the part of intelligent men and women! He brings together here a selection of his favourites. First let’s get into the mood. We could detect […]
Magonia #9: The Myth Continues June 21, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Medieval, Modern
As access to information gets easier, and there was a huge-internet powered jump in the 1990s, then surely the information available to us should become more accurate, right? Easier to check facts, easier to be checked… Not a bit of it. As information becomes more accessible then more people have more access to information and […]
The Boggarts of Royde and Royd May 14, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Today, an almighty confusion of boggarts: the fairy-shape-shifting-ghosts that haunt the south Pennines and the North West of England. Ellen Royde is a gentile house, now used as a health clinic, in the Lower Calder Valley at Elland near Halifax. There, in the garden, was a boggart chair, some kind of seat or structure, suggesting […]
Lawrence’s Missing Tree May 11, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
D.H.Lawrence, the high priest of love, the enemy of the bourgeoisie (and their closest ally), an indifferent stylist, a brilliant novelist and the man our great grandmothers prayed that they would not be seated next to at a dinner party. DHL had a lifelong, masturbatory relationship with Italy: a country that was, in his mythology, […]
Botched Beheadings April 29, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
The guillotine was originally invented as an act of humanitarianism to liberate criminal kind from the axe. It made sense, after all, to remove a criminal’s head from his or from her shoulders if that criminal had to be killed. But the procedure was messy. Two important things could go wrong while removing said head […]
Amazons 1#: First Contact April 19, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In 1542, a small party led by Francisco de Orellana, a thuggish conquistador (was there any other sort?) was making its way down a huge South American river towards the sea. In the depths of this dangerous region, where no white man had ever gone before, the Spaniards began to hear strange stories of… Well, […]
The Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Are More Rainbow Coloured on the Other Side of the Fence April 11, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Hallucinogens are frequently found in the traditional religious life of hunter-gatherers and rural communities. There are, of course, literally hundreds of different ways of intoxicating yourself ranging from toad glands to nutmeg, from jimson weed to ergot spores. And naturally, these techniques which, depending on your point of view, canker or enhance reality, are important […]