Fewest Casualties… June 25, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
In what modern war did the fewest people die? Beach has been wasting a couple of joyful hours this morning looking through the annals of battles past and some dodgy Wikipedia pages. He has built in several limits to the survey. First, he has restricted himself to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, where it is […]
The Galeotti: Rowing Out Of The Barbary Coast September 25, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
It’s been a bad week in the seventeenth century. There you were, a French pilgrim, just minding your own business, lounging around on a Catalan cutter and, bang, Barbary pirates overrun the ship. Next thing you know you are being shunted on board their vessel kicking and screaming and being told that you are to be […]