Mysterious Sloth Monster in Patagonia April 18, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The Giant Sloth? The giant ground sloth is one of the most charismatic of extinct creatures. Dwelling in South America Megatherium was, when it tore down trees, and walked over the pampa, the size of a small elephant and was finally hunted out of existence about 10,000 years ago: one of the victims of homo […]
The Mysterious Case of the Falkland Toothpaste Tube April 15, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Introduction The spring of 1982 was a time of some tension in the South Atlantic and would climax with Argentine troops landing on Falklands, and the subsequent battles between the British taskforce and the Argentinean army and navy. However, as so often when the gods in Olympus are still deciding which side to back, farce […]
Kidnapped by the Pombero February 2, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
The story starts nicely enough and then takes a decided turn for the bizarre. In July of last year (2016) a two and a half year old child was lost in the Argentinean countryside in an area of ‘bush and mountains’. Beach’s youngest is two and he shivers to think what this means. The little […]
Death by Plane October 16, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Death by plane, the latest in the unusual execution series. Imagine, you are bundled, for a terrible crime, into a bomber bay and tied to a bomb. The bomb is, then, dropped, after a terrifying wait, from 10,000 feet on the enemy. Will you die by explosion or by falling? Some stories are so terrible that […]
The Dragon’s Tail! A Continent or a Ghost? January 24, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
La cola del dragón (the Tail of the Dragon), was a book published in 1990 by Paul Gallez (obit 2007), a Belgian/Argentinean historian. In this book Gallez alleged that a map by Martellus (obit 1496), dating to 1489 showed South America. If you are trying to understand why this should matter read the last sentence again: […]
Irish-speaking Argentinean Indians!! January 8, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
One of the weaker proofs of Pre-Columbian contacts with Europe is the legend of the ‘white Indian’. Typically, a pioneer in the sixteenth or seventeenth or eighteenth or even the nineteenth century comes upon an Indian who by his appearance or his actions shows that he is really of European descent. Prior to today Beach […]
The Meson del Fierro April 15, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern, Prehistoric
The Meson del Fierro was a huge piece of iron in the depths of the Chaco in the badlands of South America (modern Argentina). Eighteenth-century estimates claimed that it weighed about fifteen tons. And, in 1783, Michael Rubin de Celis, A Spanish naval official who had approached the lump of ore with some two hundred […]