The Bizarrest Date in History March 29, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Long-term readers of this blog will know that Beachcombing has a thing about futurist food: previous posts have included, indeed, an overview of attempts by the futurists to revolutionize what we eat and, perhaps better, still an unusual meal that ended with a woman being devoured. For those who have not the time or the […]
Britain’s Obsession with the Second World War March 27, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
Anyone who knows Britain will be aware of the constant references to the Second World War in the island’s political culture, particularly when national sovereignty is at stake. Harold Wilson decried appeals to ‘the Dunkirk Spirit’: and then shamelessly used the same trick himself. And the recent spats over Britain’s use of its ‘veto’ within […]
Escaped Lions March 22, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
***Dedicated to Andy the Mad Monk*** Lions are striking animals and it is only natural that, through the ages, zoos and circuses have kept them to impress their clientele. They are also hardy creatures that makes them easier to keep alive than, say, the giraffe or a rhino. But they are dangerous and if they […]
Crowds #1: And so it begins… Images from 1914 March 21, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
[students in Berlin, off to enlist] Beachcombing has recently become interested in crowd photography: large groups of people, preferably in rather strange or extreme situations. And as part of this ‘project’ he started collecting photographs from perhaps the dizziest month in western history: August 1914. The war is just beginning and young and not […]
Stalin Suffering the Children March 18, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
This image of Uncle Joe with a young girl understandably became famous. It shows the softer side of one of the most prolific murderers of all time: something useful in a society that was based on a cult of said murderer. And interestingly this is not just a chance photographic moment: the kind that make […]
Fairies and Vegetation March 16, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Yes, sorry, Beach has not respected his only one-fairy-post a week rule. But this just proved too interesting to let go AND it was keeping him awake while Mrs B was gently snoring besides him. First the facts. In many modern works fairies are portrayed as ‘nature spirits’ actively working for trees, flowers, gorse bushes […]
Churchill, De Gaulle and Waterloo March 15, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Today a bit of modern British history/myth. Beach will write it out as it was told to him. He would be interested to see whether there is any basis to the tale: it sounds very Churchillian, but it also has the exquisite stench of cobblers. Towards the end of his life Churchill was visited by […]
Pulling Things Out of Rivers March 13, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Rivers are useful guardians of the past: often thousands of years roll by (and millions of tonnes of water) before things that have been thrown in are fished out (sometimes literally) several hundred or thousands of years later. Here are Beachcombing’s favourite they-were-found-in-river things. Others would be welcome: drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT com 1) Claudius’ […]
Fairy Sighting on Skye, c. 1880 March 12, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
The family crisis continues here and so Beach offers a modest little post on a fairy sighting in Skye: perhaps Beachcombing’s favourite witness account of the ‘good folk’. This was written out in the early 1960s that puts the experience back c. 1880. In the darkening of an Autumn evening over eighty years ago a […]
The Psyche Fairy Fake March 7, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Mike Dash (who practically wrote this piece) and to Kithra*** In Beachcombing’s recent gambol through the records of false fairies, he put up the picture above and confessed that he had no idea where it had come from, though it was frequently ascribed to witches in Devon or Cornwall in his sources. For […]
Gravestones: The Disparate Couple March 5, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing has a thing about Italian cemeteries, which tend to be far more gaudy than their British equivalents, but are often also more moving. There the visitor will find paper or fabric flowers on every tomb, photographs of the resident dead, the graves cared for on an almost weekly basis by relatives, the ‘Christmas lights’ […]
Selling (Balkan) Europe by the Pound March 2, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beach has pioneered for some time his WIBT (‘wish I’d been there’) series. Those moments in the past where any historically-conscious person would just LOVE to be a half dead bluebottle on the windowsill watching the great men and women conspiring to create history. It is a nice idea, of course. However, as most of […]
In Praise of the Hindoestanen February 29, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing has run, over the months, a series of forgotten kingdom posts: lands and peoples that time forgot. Sometimes he has stretched this definition to its elastic limit by including forgotten communities: a personal favourite, for example, were the Confederates who fled from Lincoln’s peace and came to settle in Brazil. Another group that he […]
Anne Frank, Ghost Weddings and Post-Mortem Baptisms February 27, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
A bit of a ragtag post this: the possibilities of post-mortem marriage and baptism (or ‘naming ceremonies’ to remain as broad as possible). Beach got thinking about this after a recent discussion with a priest who had married a teenager to her dead boyfriend. The boyfriend had just passed away in intensive care after a […]
Witty Gravestones February 26, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
One of those difficult days. Two of Beachcombing three sources of income have wobbled in a single six hour span and Beach answered an obnoxious email from one of his ‘managers’ with an even more obnoxious email. Anyway, quite how he got from these troubles to gravestones he can’t remember. But he did spend a […]