Worthless Currencies June 12, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
As Beach writes Mrs B is travelling on a plane to [first destination deleted] to open a bank account in [second destination deleted] to get the Beachcombing family ‘fortune’ (ahem) as far as possible from the Euro Zone. It may or may not work as, while the Italian State has provided lots of identification documents, […]
Germany über Alles? June 11, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
According to many paranoid British and French scholars the history of the last century and a half has been the story of Germany’s attempt to dominate continental Europe. It began with Napoleon III giving up his sword to Bismarck in 1870 and has continued down to the present day with Germany’s EU plotting. Is there […]
A Welsh Mermaid and the Bastard with the Binoculars June 9, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
When people see strange things they rave to friends, family and (sometimes) newspapers. When they see strange things that reveal themselves to be something utterly pedestrian, the marvel is quickly forgotten. This is, in some ways, a shame as accounts of misperception probably bring us closer to the enigmas of the world than hours and […]
Undead in Bulgaria June 7, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has celebrated deviant burials on several previous occasions in the past. There was, for example, only last week, the children immured (allegedly) in the foundations of a bridge. And then there were the various attempts to silence the dead from the Middle Ages. There were the criminals killed (and often dug into) prehistoric mounds and who could […]
Admiral Byrd and Nazi Cobblers June 6, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to KMH who, not for the first time, inspired the hunt*** The following is the record of an interview with American admiral Richard Byrd which appeared in El Mercurio, a Chilean paper, 5 March 1947: it was written by a US journalist, Lee Van Atta, but seems never to have been published in English. […]
Maverick Leaders: Silvio Berlusconi June 5, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
Silvio Berlusconi may not have been the most brilliant post-war European politician: even his closest supporters, when pushed, would probably admit that. But it is difficult to think of another modern politician anywhere – with the possible exception of Idi Amin and Colonel Ghadaffi (the second a friend of SB) – who had such a […]
Exclaves! June 4, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary, Modern
A strange post today – just for a change… Beach has recently been troubled by the Kaliningrad Oblast, a peculiar bit of Russian territory that stands several hundred kilometres to the west of the Russian frontiers. Now an exclave of Russian life on the borders of Poland and Lithuania, Kalingrad would be just the kind […]
Electrifying Sheep June 3, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing has a terrible secret. He is not very good at science. Yes, he receives emails about astronomy and nuclear physics, aviation and genetics on a daily basis. But, while being fascinated, he understands almost none of what he reads there. In the autumn of his years it is simply too late to put this […]
The Monger-Goss Theory of Dragons and ABCs June 2, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Just last week Beach was looking into dragon accounts from seventeenth century England. And in searching for dragon-related material he stumbled on an article that he feels deserves to be better known and perhaps celebrated. The article in question is George Monger’s ‘Dragons and Big Cats’ published in the illustrious journal of British myth and […]
Horror and Gore in Children’s Histories May 31, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
***Dedicated to a suffering Little Miss B*** Beachombing’s eldest daughter (4) has recently begun to appreciate her nation’s past. This would be fascinating in itself. But it has become a haunting replay of Beach’s own childhood because Beach (good historian that he is) saved his own childhood reads and is now sharing them with […]
Dare-Nots May 29, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beach fluttered around the edges of an Italian project a few years ago that affected him profoundly. A series of interviews were collected from families who had suffered violence at the hands of the partisans at the end of the Second World War. The vast majority of these partisans, particularly in Emiglia-Romagna and Tuscany, had been […]
The Problem with Sea Apes May 24, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary, Modern
***Dedicated to Andy the Mad Monk and Invisible*** Beach has, since the early days of this site, shown a persistent interest in mermaids. It would be outrageous then to pass by the important new documentary coming out (or has it already aired?) on Animal Planet. The following is borrowed from Wikipedia (courtesy of the inestimable […]
Self-Immolation Duc-Style May 20, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
When Beachcombing first courted Mrs B he used to play elaborate ‘wind-ups’, trying to convince his darling of the impossible. Perhaps his favourite was the time he ‘explained’ how the widow of an Indian immigrant in Britain had decided to burn herself suttee-style on the funeral pyre of her husband, in Parliament Square. There had, […]
Transvestite President? May 19, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing isn’t big on cross-dressing but this fabulous pastiche of poor old Jefferson Davies’ capture caught his attention. Some accounts – Union accounts it should be noted – claim that Jefferson tried to escape wearing his wife’s clothing. This comes from the New York Times. To Maj. Hudson was given the duty of surrounding the […]
Nashville Debutante Fights Imperial Japan May 15, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***With thanks to Larry*** A wish-i’d-been-there moment from 1941. Cornelia Fort was a twenty-three-year-old pilot and instructor flying a Cadet out of Honolulu in that year. Incredibly though CF had only been flying for a matter of months she was already deemed good enough to work as an instructor, putting a young Hawaiian through his […]