Crowds #4: Religion July 20, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beach has so far offered up three crowd photo collections: August 1914, Speaking to Crowds and Crowds as Art. Today he thought he’d move in a little deeper with religious crowds from a small file he’s been building up over the last couple of years. The picture that head’s this post is one of his […]
Burning Reputations in Science July 16, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Imagine for a second with Beachcombing that you are world famous scientist. You don’t have a Nobel Prize yet, but a telephone call from Stockholm is a distinct possibility, particularly if you don’t say anything unwise about the developing world or human rights. In the meantime, you have fawning doctoral students, colleagues sending you sixty […]
Pixy Music on Dartmoor July 15, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
This is a fascinating story from Dartmoor in 1921. A director of orchestra has decided to walk out from a musical boot camp and try his hand at composing in the middle of the heather. It is there that he has a very strange experience: this one is dedicated to all lovers of auditory […]
Quentin Craufurd and Telepathy Among Birds July 12, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Splendid Chap*** We’ve met Quentin Craufurd on several occasions. He was a leading light of the FIS, perhaps the leading light. He also wrote extensively on clairvoyance. Beach is working up a bibliography of his work and has already got to eight including life boat shanties (!) and dawn in India. No greater […]
The Greatest Curse: Epitaphs for Dead Children July 11, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
A very delicate subject this, but one that Beach couldn’t get out of his head having spoken last night to a woman who had lost her only daughter while in her 50s. If the nightmare of all nightmares should happen and a child die what might be written on the gravestone? A 1930s letter page […]
Bomber Command and War Guilt July 9, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
One of the most terrifying statistics of the Second World War is that more died in planes flying out of British airfields than in British cities. Leaving the US out of this around 60,000 British and Dominion aircrew were killed defending British airspace or attacking enemy territory. About 40,000 British civilians, meanwhile, died in the […]
The Triumph of the Dilettantes: Top Ten Fairy Books July 7, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beach has spent this summer putting together a bibliography of fairy texts. And while doing so he found himself wondering ‘what are the best of these hundreds of titles?’ The question has, in fact, been building up in him and after some reflection he has jotted down here ten books that offer the most entertaining […]
Crowds #3: Crowds as Art July 4, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Andy the Mad Monk*** Beach has previously confessed to a thing about crowd photographs: he has put up posts showing August 1914 madness and orators in front of thousands. However, what if the crowd itself is taken out of its random passions and ordered into a work of art? This was the intuition […]
Creative Pretexts for War July 2, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Prehistoric
In the good old days when we had spears and lived in tribal societies war was, for much of humanity, a seasonal activity like boar hunting and berry picking. You did not have to explain why you wanted to steal the cattle of the clan on the other side of the hill: you just got […]
Desperately Seeking Marjorie June 26, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
***Dedicated to whosoever helps Beach to find Marjorie*** It is very bad form to write two articles on fairies in as many days, but Beach has been excited since Splendid Chap emailed with the exciting information that Marjorie Johnson is still alive in Carlton, Nottinghamshire (UK). Marjorie was born in 1911 and by 1956 she […]
On the trail of Captain Quentin C. A. Craufurd (and his fairies) June 24, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Dedicated to a Splendid Chap Splendid Chap sent in an article by one of Beach’s chief interests in life, the enigmatic Capt Quentin Craufurd, founder of the Fairy Investigation Society: yes, that’s his picture! Beachcombing doesn’t put this up because the article is particularly inspiring: it reads like post theosophy c. 1950. He has put […]
The Survival of the Marranos June 22, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
A Beachcombing favorite to day, the Marranos of Belmonte. In 1492 Spain expelled its Jews or at least those who refused to convert to Catholicism. Some of these fleeing Spanish Jews crossed the border into Portugal where they joined an already substantial Jewish population and the Jews of all descriptions there were driven out of […]
Llewellyn Thompson: Champion of the World June 20, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beach has pioneered on this blog ‘hinge moments’, those instances when world history changes. In any list of these moments, the Cuban Missile crisis is a must, because this is, of course, the closest the human race has come to mutually assured destruction. But what moment within the missile crisis was the key one? Almost […]
Crowds #2: Speaking to Crowds June 18, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
W.B.Yeats once wrote that the most important thing for a ‘man’ was, in his day, no longer a sword but a tongue to speak to the masses. Yeats was living in an age when that was still true. Microphones were allowing the amplification of voices and transport meant that a politician or preacher could travel […]
Trolls in Staffordshire (in the 1970s!) June 13, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
***With thanks to Invisible*** Beach usually limits his cryptozoology to historical sightings and is a little uneasy at reporting an event from his own lifetime. But this particularly rumpus in the dark has a lot to recommend it in fairy terms so it caught his interest: the full account can be found at Nick Redfern’s […]