Rommel in the Shenandoah?! May 27, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Every so often a reader writes in with a great story told brilliantly where I just cut and paste. Cue the following tale from Michael Dunn. I’ve put Michael comments/elaboration in italics (tweaking typos etc) and just added a few thoughts of my own in normal text. This story involves a prominent figure in a […]
Science, Neurology and Being Misled by Fairies May 23, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
All European fairy traditions have two features: kidnapped children (the changeling tradition) and misled travellers (the pixy-led tradition). Being pixy-led (a Cornish or Devon term originally but one that has come to apply to a much wider area) varies in different parts of the continent. But typically, it unwinds as follows. A man or a woman […]
Review: The Ex Kaiser in Exile May 20, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
In 1918 as Germany began to implode, Wilhelm II, Kaiser and perhaps the individual most responsible for the war, crossed the border into the Netherlands, took up residence there and then abdicated. He would live in the Netherlands (which had of course been neutral for the previous four years) until his death in 1941. In […]
Homemade Beer at the Vampire Inn May 13, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Every so often, as your eye is running down the columns of documents past, you run into an unlooked for detail that you just can’t leave alone. It happened to me a week ago when I was checking through the records of bankrupt British businesses from 1869 (as you do). In that year on Hampton […]
Father Degan and the Dancers May 12, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Recently came across this beautiful list of dancing advice, which reminds me of the kind of manners post I love from the two nerdy history girls. I wanted to make gentle fun of this, but it seems that the author, a priest, had a certain amount of common sense and lacked the easy dogamatism of […]
Power and Ageing: Blair, Bush, Clinton, Obama and Thatcher May 10, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
It is well known that power corrupts but what does power do for the ageing process? To judge by President Obama’s rapidly whiting hair (and kudos for not getting out the dye too often) then there is nothing more likely to make you old before your time than to be in charge of a major […]
Love Goddess #9: Damian Hirst’s Madonna May 9, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
***Thanks to Invisible for sending this one in*** Damien Hirst, media-savvy horseman of the post modern art apocalypse and the Madonna, mother of Christ, eternal sweetness and light, whose breasts produce condensed milk for the faithful. What would happen should these two contrary forces come together? Well, there is no reason for speculation because in […]
Facts, Myths and Jean McConville May 8, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
The Jean McConville case is now history in as much as it took place over forty years ago: but it is living, bleeding history and in the last days it has landed an important Irish politician in the cells and rocked the peace process in the six counties. For non-British and non-Irish readers, who may […]
Killing After Surrender in WW2: Parachutes and Submarines May 5, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The laws of war dictate that if someone puts up their hands then they are prisoners and must be treated as such. However, despite the traditions of ages and now the strictures of various conventions mercy is ignored at times even by civilised armies. Two striking examples from the Second World War where the opposition […]
1937 Cornish Black Dog Scare May 4, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The phantom dog of Linkinhorne was one of the south-western dandy dogs that have terrified locals since time immemorial. What is particularly interesting though about this dog from the past is that it returned in 1937 and caused a local panic. Here are a number of the best stories from the outbreak. The first reference […]
Neo-Pagan Partisans May 2, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Ask a well-read person today about neo-paganism and many will identify it as something that came out of flower power in the late 1960s. However, this is not, for the most part, true. Neo-pagans were actually around before the Great War and in some incarnations neo-paganism can be traced back to late nineteenth-century eccentrics, such […]
11 Burning Libraries: Book Lovers Beware April 29, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
This blog has pioneered a series of burning libraries: books that didn’t make it (23 to date)… But what about real burning libraries? Libraries that, at some point in Antiquity or the Middle Ages, were gutted by fire, accidental or deliberate. I have included here a list of eleven devastatingly bad ‘burning libraries’ or ‘burning […]
White Indians in Brazil, 1953? April 25, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
In the long and painful relations between settling Europeans and indigenous American peoples there often came moments when genes were exchanged. Sometimes this took place because of love at the fringes of each society, sometimes it took place after rape, and in some cases children or babies from one society found themselves brought up by […]
Nessie as Biker and the Exorcism of the Loch April 24, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Ted Holiday was a Fortean researcher who died in 1979 and who was particularly associated with research into Nessie. His intellectual development (or regression from some perspectives) saw him change from: a believer in a physical Nessie (albeit with the mystery creature starring as a large slug rather than a dinosaur); to believing, instead, in […]
Last Casualty of the Great War? April 22, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The last death in the Great War took place, as is often the case with such conflagarations, long after most of those involved had put down their weapons. 21 June 1919, the German High Fleet had illegally scuttled itself at Scapa Flow in Orkney, the island group to the north of Britain. The aftermath was […]