Modesty and Killing November 27, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
When Benito Mussolini was ‘executed’ (jolted out of a car by some communist partisans and shot in the chest in a ditch) he did not die alone. By his side was his lover and perhaps the most significant woman in his life, Clara Petacci. CP was gunned down a moment before Mussolini himself. The corpses […]
Was Chess Invented in Ireland or China or India or…? November 5, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
There is a general consensus that chess came out of the east, that it arrived in Europe through the Arab Mediterranean and that from there it made its way to the royal courts of France and Germany. Certainly, by the fifteenth century a game that we recognise […]
Newgrange and a Hundred Generations November 2, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval, Prehistoric
Newgrange, standing near the Boyne, is one of the great treasures of Ireland and, indeed, of Europe. Built some four thousand years ago by the first Gaels it is mysterious and, when the mist comes in, vaguely malevolent. It is also exclusive. Each year a tiny group of fortunate men, women and children – chosen […]
Flying with Diana October 23, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval, Modern
One of the most fascinating questions about witchcraft belief is the extent to which it was invented by the Inquisition (and other bogey men of our own imaginations); or to what extent it reflected common beliefs held by medieval and early modern European populations. If we accept that the idea of the sabbat and devil-sex, […]
Immortal Meals #10: Love Feast in Fifteenth-century Florence October 20, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
If you could visit any dinner in history, where the mighty of the earth were gathered, what would you choose? One of Nero’s shindigs in ancient Rome, Giordano Bruno’s Ash Wednesday Supper, the Banquet of the Chestnuts to watch the Borgias having sex, Churchill and Stalin‘s snarl show at Tehran, Mannerheim blowing cigar smoke into […]
Coins Out of Time October 17, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Modern
***Dedicated to Lehmansterms, whom Beach owes an email…*** An underdeveloped post on the wrong time use of coins. Any other examples gratefully received: drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT com The following passage comes from a book describing the adventures of an Allied serviceman in Italy in 1943: the serviceman in question had escaped from prison camp […]
Out of Place Artefacts: Eyebrow-Raisers and Eye-Poppers October 14, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
***Dedicated to Amanda and BFM*** Bad Archaeology, a necessarily quarrelsome but very worthwhile corner of the internet, is presently hosting an article on Out of Place Artefacts: objects that have turned up in places or in times where they would not be expected. As readers of Strange History will know the present author has frequently […]
Roman Empire vs Caliphate in Sub-Saharan Africa October 7, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
By the mid first century AD the Roman Empire had run against four limits, limits that its subjects would never overcome: in the west, the Atlantic; in the north, the German tribes (thanks Varus); in the east, the ‘Persian’ Empire and its successors; and in the south, the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert beyond. […]
The Origins of One-Foot September 30, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval, Modern
***Dedicated to Leif*** Humanity has the habit of peopling the edges of its maps with unusual creatures: the ‘there-be-dragons’ phenomenon. We have previously on this blog looked at dog-heads, for example, both in relation to India and Ethiopia. Dog-heads can be explained, as perhaps can unicorns and even dragons and cyclops. But how do you […]
Child Sacrifice in Carthage September 27, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Beach is getting dangerously topical. First, there was the discovery of Richard III’s bent body, next to Jesus’s wife and now an old obsession of his, Carthaginian child sacrifice is breezing through the newspapers. In fact, the right of the ancient Carthaginians to sacrifice their children has just, it seems, been outlawed by some Pittsburgh […]
Jesus Christ and Naked Men September 23, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
All the fuss about Jesus’ wife the other day, put Beach in mind of an earlier controversial Biblical find, one that is, in many ways, more exciting. In 1958 a (then) young Biblical scholar Morton Smith (obit 1991) was working in the library of the Monastery of Mar Saba on the West Bank when he […]
Christ’s Wife September 21, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
***Thanks to Larry, Amanda, Southern Man and PJ*** The news came in yesterday afternoon courtesy of three or four emails sent in by readers. The email line: ‘Breaking News Alert: Ancient papyrus suggests Jesus was married’. Wth! Beach spilt his Bacardi and Rum all over his keyboard and walked around the room in a stupor. […]
Hostage Taking in Ancient and Medieval Times September 20, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
When we think of hostages today we tend to think of men with pistols using some poor innocent as a human shield. But in the ancient and medieval world hostage-taking was formalised. Conquered territories would give up children of notables who would be conveyed to an enemy capital or castle and who would then be […]
Fusion and Confusion in Post Roman Britain September 18, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
***This extended essay was written as a sequel to a previous post on Roman Britain signalled in the first link*** We have looked before in the place at the darkness that descends on Britain after Rome decamps from the island. Our ignorance about this period of British history is simply astounding. We know that there […]
Earliest Flying messengers September 17, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval
Beachcombing has a few bizarre carrier pigeon stories in a mauve file under the staircase: I mean are pigeon stories ever going to be normal? He thought though that he’d start his pigeon campaign with a simple even tedious question. When were pigeons first used as messengers? Their role carrying messages in the two world […]