The Train, the Turnip, the Knife and the Girl March 18, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A busy day today so here is a little 19C story: A practical joke of a strange kind was played recently on a young lady travelling in first class railway carriage in the West Riding of Yorkshire…. She had the carriage to herself until, at the station from which the train had a long run […]
The Duke, His Brother and the Locomotive December 9, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Great story, recently found, relating to the Spanish Civil War, presumably 1938. The narrator, of Jewish descent, has fled anschluss and arrived in Paris, en route to more permanent exile in the UK. I had run into Duke Dantin when he was a refugee in Paris, during the Spanish Civil War, he had fled from […]
Forgotten Anglo-Irish Inventor Anticipates the Modern Age July 21, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A remarkable piece of dream engineering from the latter half of the eighteenth century, the creation of the obscure but fascinating Richard Lovell Edgeworth (obit 1817), one of those men cursed to have ideas that his day could not possibly understand or produce: an Anglo-Irish Leonoardo da Vinci though with more circumspection.