The Stone of Oo: High Weirdness from Southern France May 27, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Oô in southern France has two things going for it. First, that name, I mean what…?! And second the pierre d’Oô one of the weirdest objects to emerge the last three or four thousand years of human endeavour: a sculpture of a lady and her pet. At this point, readers should take a moment and […]
Did the Greeks Build the Terracotta Army? March 19, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
We’ve fluttered before around the interesting work of Lukas Nickel (see link at bottom of this page), alleging contacts between Greece and China in the early centuries B.C. In a recent article (‘The First Emperor and sculpture in China’) in the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies LN suggests that there was […]
Love Goddess #6: All Hail Northumberlandia! January 24, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Medieval
***Dedicated to Invisible*** Part of humanity’s long flirtation with the landscape has been the idea that a given locality is a woman. While not universal this repeats itself in many religious systems and sometimes has even made its way into the modern world through placenames. So, in Britain hill, mountain and spur names frequently refer […]