Biggest European Cities: 1800-2018 May 8, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Messing around with numbers for the great European cities over the last two hundred years: I’m not interested so much in the biggest cities as the capitals of the most important countries. Can these be taken as barometers for the successes and failures of their countries? A few things stand out. First, growth is constant […]
Population Games and Rorschach Tests September 6, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Beachcombing had some fun the other day writing about ancient history and population estimates. Last night reading in the ‘wee hours’ he came across another lovely example of this: the insane modern debate about the population of Roman Britain. Now post-war estimates for the population of Roman Britain have gone as low as 200,000 and […]
Favourite Historical Cities September 3, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, MedievalAnd so it begins… Three hours sleep, arguments about syllabi, a terrifying public-speaking engagement, a walk in the wood (six snakes spotted – an omen?), sleep and stress. In short, the students are back and the cycle of sow/reap/harvest (lesson/field-trip/exam) is starting up once again. They look (as always) like nice kids. But in an […]