Graffiti Trick Against the Persians May 3, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
This is an early example of operational psychology in battle. We are in 480 BC and a massive Persian fleet is heading south along the Greek coast to meet the allied Greek navy. However, within the Persian flotilla, are the ships of the Ionian cities of Asia Minor, Greek-speaking communities who, just ten years before, […]
The Origins of Forehead Cross Tattoos? March 8, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
The Forehead Cross The forehead cross has become a relatively common modern tattoo, both in the industrialized west and among some developing countries. However, those who wear it will probably not know that the first record of this design dates back to the sixth century AD. Let us travel through time and space to the […]
Immortal Meals #23: Family Meals, Medan Style June 10, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
This is a first in the immortal meal series, a repast that is probably, we must hope, mythical, but one that launches a genre that we are still trying to forget two and a half millennia later. First some background. Herodotus, the father of history, gives us only one account of the birth and childhood […]