Gentlemanly Soldiers October 2, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
There are lots of different types of soldiers but today Beach wants to put aside the cowards, the sadists, the pragmatists, the survivors and concentrate on perhaps one of the few attractive categories: the gentleman soldier. The cult of the gentleman soldier began amongst the European aristocracy in the middle ages, its values were embodied […]
Hono Heke, A Maori Chief from Ireland?! May 3, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In the Middle Ages the Irish were for ever finding Gaels in surprising parts of the world. The soldier who pierced Christ’s side on the cross was Irish, Simon Magus was an Irish druid, etc etc. It is a shock to find, though, that this endearing habit lasted into the nineteenth century. In June and […]
The Dominions and WW2 November 6, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
The Dominions were a precise administrative category within the British Empire. They referred to the territories that had reached, according to omniscient London, the ability to govern themselves with minimum interference from the motherland. With many of the racist assumptions of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it was believed that only white populations […]
Migration, Inundation… Top Scorers July 23, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Migration – seasonal, circular, forced, permanent… – is as old as history. Folks from one community cross the river and go and live with folks on the other side. They work together, live together and eventually have children together. This stuff has been going on for tens of thousands of years. However, in modern times […]
Declaring War in WW2: National Styles March 23, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The characters of countries are reflected in their cuisines, their clothes, and their soap operas, so why not in their declarations of war? Thought it might be fun to see whether this notion stands up and so this morning ran through every WW2 declaration of war that I could find from 1 September 1939 through […]
ROLFUDRETUS and Last Country Standing January 11, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
This is a bad period in Italy. The self-employed, a quarter of the population, are presently being taxed at about 50%. The public sector is inefficient and weighs the country down. The law – always a relative concept in Italy – has become a simultaneously braying and defecating ass. And the Euro is crushing Italian manufacturing. […]
Lloyd’s Head August 6, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In 1864 at Ahuahut in New Zealand a group of Maori warriors defeated a small British contingent led by one Captain Lloyd and seven of the Brits, including Lloyd, were decapitated: the Maoris waited behind a fringe of ferns and shot at close quarters, Lloyds men were outwitted and didn’t stand a chance. The fight […]
Forgotten Kingdom: The Bird-Shit Island January 20, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Nauru is a small island (about eight square miles) half way between Hawaii and New Zealand made largely of bird droppings. If that does not sound particularly promising consider two further points. First, that its European discoverer named it Pleasant Island in 1798: it was once extraordinarily beautiful. And second that the bird droppings can […]
Crowds #1: And so it begins… Images from 1914 March 21, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
[students in Berlin, off to enlist] Beachcombing has recently become interested in crowd photography: large groups of people, preferably in rather strange or extreme situations. And as part of this ‘project’ he started collecting photographs from perhaps the dizziest month in western history: August 1914. The war is just beginning and young and not […]
Origins of the Two-Finger Insult May 19, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, ModernThe sun is in the heaven, term is over and with the good luck that characterises him Beachcombing has come down with a cracking summer cold. Indeed, as he walks up and down the stairs he feels as if his head is banging on the walls on either side. In this emergency situation he […]
Review: Moa Sightings December 22, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
[automatic reserve post] When Beachcombing was just a wee sprog, he used to read books and be transported to other worlds. Those were the times when three hundred pages written by John Buchan, Evelyn Waugh or Enid Blyton could set off fire balls in his head. But then Beachcombing lost his innocence – schooling […]
The Moas of Cannibal Gorge November 4, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing is in an ornithological mood this month. It all started off with the druidic ravens at the Tower of London, then came the hibernating swallows, the parrots of Orinoco, swan-necked Mary Beard and today, to round off the series, he turns to one of his favourite bird stories of all time: the moa of the Cannibal […]
New Born Lambs, New Born Ideas October 29, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The progress of a good idea depends not only on that idea’s quality, but also on the dress-code of its supporters and the mood swings of the establishment. For every good idea whose time has come: there are twenty or thirty who have to spend a generation kicking around in the bush before being welcomed up to the […]