Floating Islands (and the Loch Ness Monster) September 20, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Let’s talk floating islands. A few years ago Beach had a very gentle battle with a courteous Nessie writer Roland Watson. As a sceptic with folklore interests Beach was intrigued by many parts of Ronald’s argument, but one piece of new evidence that stood out was the claim that there was a floating island on Loch […]
Nessie as Biker and the Exorcism of the Loch April 24, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Ted Holiday was a Fortean researcher who died in 1979 and who was particularly associated with research into Nessie. His intellectual development (or regression from some perspectives) saw him change from: a believer in a physical Nessie (albeit with the mystery creature starring as a large slug rather than a dinosaur); to believing, instead, in […]
Did You Hear the One About Nessie, the Sceptic and the Water Horse? February 2, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Two of the most interesting Christmas books this year were Roland Watson’s The Water Horses of Loch Ness and Daniel Loxton and Donald R. Prothero’s Abominable Science! Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids. As is evident from the titles these books take opposite sides of the crypto argument: in fact, the authors […]
Was Nessie a Kelpie? December 22, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
A post a couple of weeks ago on the kelpie of Loch-na-Bestie got Beach thinking about the most famous kelpie in Caledonia. Who else but that stalwart of Scottish tourism, that gift to fake photographers everywhere, the greatest floating log of them all, Nessie? Yes, it is true that Nessie has been seen, photographed and […]
An Early Sighting of the Loch Ness Monster? April 27, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Medieval saints were famous for their encounters with dangerous animals. In their Lives we read of confrontations with wolves, bears, stags and snakes; but also of meetings with more exotic creatures. Beachcombing thinks of St George facing down a dragon or St Brendan and his monks celebrating communion on the back of an enormous sea […]