Horror and Scarcity: Reading Supernatural Fiction January 20, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary, Modern
Yesterday the postman brought three beautiful volumes of Sheridan Le Fanus’ short stories (Ash Tree Press). They are exquisitely made, not so much books as orgasms between covers, and they have exceptionally good introductions by Jim Rockhill. They were also expensive, particularly once you factor postage to another continent and the Italian’s government’s banditry in […]
Unripe Bananas and Almost Meeting Charles Dickens: The Index Biography September 2, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Contemporary
So you want to know about a famous man or woman; you need a potted biography. You don’t have access to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (or other national equivalents). Wikipedia is often a bit long and can be inaccurate. The Encyclopedia Britannica is worse. And you threw away your reference volumes because you […]