Die of the Pox or on the Gallows? April 13, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Pox or the Gallows The lines are certainly old ones. A mighty aristocrat offended by some commoner asks whether the man before him will die of the pox or on the gallows tree. The commoner shoots back ‘that depends whether I embrace your Lordship’s mistress or your principles’. No question that it’s memorable. But where […]
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? History April 3, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Why did the chicken…? ‘Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? To get to the other side.’ It is one of the most tedious jokes in history, but it is also one of the oldest in continuous use. Now, just how old and where does it come from? Knickerbocker Glory The earliest reference that has […]
If I Were Your Husband I Would Drink It: History of a Joke March 20, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
That Joke The words are famous and supposedly came out in a verbal duel between Lady Astor (Britain’s first active woman MP) and, from a different wing of the Conservative party, Winston Churchill. Lady Astor: ‘If I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee.’ Churchill: ‘Nancy, if I were your husband I […]
Obscene Mexican Japanese Generals January 9, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beach came across this list of Japanese generals that was allegedly published in a Mexican newspaper in 1941. It was republished in A. Jimenez, Picardía Mexicana in 1965. The joke is that the names are all clever and very obscene double entendres in Mexican Spanish. Beach does not understand them all, but if anyone else […]
The Cuckold, the Painted Belly and the Lusty Merchant November 25, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This is a weird sixteenth-century story/anecdote/joke about marital infidelity. It is also, frustratingly, only 95% complete. The punch line is missing. Beach has ‘translated’ the text into modern English. The original text though is in the screen capture below. Please email any serious mistakes. A cunning painter was living in London, and he had a […]
Hanging Jokes June 29, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach recently pointed out that were you to want to have a joke at someone’s expense it is probably not a good idea to involve poison. Similiarly strangehistory would advise against the use of nooses as these three sorry stories go to show. 20 Aug 1881: Last week a fatal practical joke was perpetrated at […]
Downey’s Death: Killed by Imagination May 16, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach stumbled across this story a couple of weeks ago and thought he’d put it up for the practical jokes tag. There was much interest in the nineteenth century about how the psychological impression of death could cause death. Somewhere Beach has read a French version of this (can anyone help: drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT […]
Immortal Meals #22: Mesmerism Tea Party April 15, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This story combines three Beachcombing interests: first, mesmerism, and second, the practical joke framed, third, in an immortal meal, one that many readers would have killed to have attended. We are in the town of Hexham in the north of England in 1871. Mr Morgan, a professor of mesmerism has come to town to impress […]
Poison Jokes April 14, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Strangehistory recently ran a post on death by joke and Beach was surprised by just how many late nineteenth-century joke victims died by poison. Perhaps the strangest thing is that anyone would ever even dream of bringing poison to a joke, after all you don’t load the gun you use for a fake duel, do […]
Death by Joke March 21, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The historical practical joke tag has now reached almost a dozen posts and Beach thought that he would celebrate with a brief survey of a particularly unusual form of practical joke: jokes that ended in the joker or jokee dying. Beach limited himself to British newspapers from 1 Jan 1880 to Dec 31 1899 and […]
Zwanze in Wartime Brussels August 20, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Regular readers will remember previous posts in the jokes and practical jokes series: world war jokes, treasure hunting jokes, Derren Brown and spiders, the poor wife hunter and the classic of all classics, Brunelleschi’s cruelest scherzo, which sent a Florentine scurrying to the backwoods of Hungary. Today, we offer up a modest WW1 story from occupied […]
Practical Joke: The Wife Hunter July 16, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Practical jokes were often fairly of poor fare in the nineteenth century. However, there is something amusingly diabolical about this one, particularly if you remember that no one died and that the wife hunter learnt that there were probably better ways to find true love . It appears that a Manchester tradesman short time ago […]
High Noon at Carcassonne April 28, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Carcassonne is a stunning medieval town in the south of France, famous today for the attrocities carried out there against the Cathars, or those who were believed to be Cathars, in the thirteenth century. However, I recently ran across this news story from 1894 and the most recent in our practical jokes series: long time […]
Jokes from WW1 November 22, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
A recent post included jokes of the Second World War and jokes about the Second World War. Here is a sister post on jokes from the First World War. These are trickier to track down but some are still fun and deserve respect and a reading. Others gratefully received: drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT com Beach […]
Dropping Things from Planes in WW1 November 7, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
With insouciance and innocence man took to the air and then in the First World War began to fight in the air. The pilots were suicidally brave and also almost childlike in their duels. Along with the machine guns there were jokes and jests with friends and enemies alike. In this short post Beach wanted […]