Invisible Library: Sherlock Holmes’ Publications January 11, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beach once before ran a post on missing Sherlock Holmes stories in the Invisible Libraries series: books that do not exist save in the imagination. However, he missed a trick. There are not just missing Sherlock Holmes stories there are also missing Sherlock Holmes publications. On several occasions in the canon Sherlock refers, en passant, […]
Tony Judt’s Lost Classic February 20, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Invisible books are, as long time readers of this blog will know, books that have never existed save in the imagination. Beach has offered, over the years, many such invisible titles, most dreamt up or taken from books (where there are shelves and shelves of these non-existent volumes). However, a new sub-category of invisible book […]
M. R. James’ Invisible Library October 22, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
M. R. James is among the finest of the English-speaking ghost writers, finer even perhaps than Le Fanu and so much better than Howard Phillips L in style and in dialogue. But there is one undoubted problem with his canon: it is small, a mere thirty four stories. The quality is consistently high but fans […]
An Invisible Library Among the Fairies September 25, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Imagine that you have just been captured by the pixies. You are dragged down into one of the underground prisons and thrown into a dim room. However, while banging your fists on the now locked door you see that there is at least one distraction: a rich volume balanced on a circular stand ‘as one sometimes […]
Invisible Star Trek Library January 16, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Larry*** The Invisible Library tag is dedicated to those books that have never existed outside the human imagination. Today Beach turns with some excitement to Memory Alpha, a planetoid in the Alpha Quadrant, in the Star Trek universe. Memory Alpha, which appeared in the third ‘Kirk’ series, was truly an invisible library, it […]
Invisible Library from Belgium: the Fortsas Catalogue January 9, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The Fortsas Catalogue, printed in 1840 has within its pages one of the greatest invisible libraries ever written: an invisible library being a collection of book that have never existed outside an author’s imagination. The catalogue itself is real enough: a few (very valuable) copies are still to be found, but the namesake of the […]
The Black Dossier and an Invisible Library January 2, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
Invisible Libraries, veterans of this site will know, are libraries that have only ever existed in the human imagination. Previous examples have included: Dickens’ study door, volumes in a computer game (Skyrim) and H.P. Lovecraft’s extra horrors, alluded to throughout his opera. Today’s new contribution are Alan Moore’s fantasy titles offered in his Black Dossier, […]
Invisible Library in Skyrim March 28, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
***dedicated to Larry K*** Beach’s nightmare week continues and the search for the aupair proceeds a pace. In an attempt then to relax in these brutish hours as the Beachcombings try and put their lives back together Beach thought that he would offer up another invisible library: libraries that have only ever existed in the […]
Beachcombing’s Invisible Library February 4, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has had a lot of fun over the last year and a half cataloging invisible libraries, libraries that only exist in the imagination of authors and connoisseurs. Today, Beach thought he would take stock of the achievement to date and also, in a fit of utter self-indulgence, introduce readers to Mrs B’s contribution […]
H.P. Lovecraft’s Invisible Library December 27, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***This post is dedicated to Phil P who suggested and advised*** H.P. Lovecraft is said to be a horror writer. It would be truer to say that, like his near contemporary Arthur Machen, he wrote about evil, evil without consolation of good. A teenage Beachcombing had several uncomfortable nights on HPL’s account and an adult […]
A Faun’s Invisible Library December 21, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing used to think that there was nothing more terrible than being ill: fever, soar throat, all that mucus… However, in the last twenty four hours he’s discovered there is a worse condition and that’s being the only well person in a house when everyone else is ill. Yesterday’s dying by laughter is inviting by […]
Boethius’s Astronomy: Did it Exist? October 4, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : MedievalBeach has always had a thing about Boethius (obit 525). Boethius penned the great Consolation of Philosophy, a strangely affecting study of human priorities, while waiting for his execution. Boethius hovers between Neo-Platonism and Christianity: he is, in some senses, the missing link between the two religions. Then Boethius also wrote books that do not […]
In the Margins September 20, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Marginalia: things scribbled in margins. There is a lot to be said for this form of literature that, to date, has been little studied: there are only a handful of books including Robin Alston’s Books with Manuscript: A Short Title Catalogue of Books with Manuscript Notes in the British Library (1994) and Henry Richards Luard’s […]
Missing Holmes July 4, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Yesterday it was flogging, tomorrow Renaissance cannibalism, so Beachcombing thought that today he would indulge in something rather more cerebral and what better than a gentle Invisible Library post? Beachcombing has introduced readers to several Invisible Libraries over the months, books that never existed except as titles in their creator’s imagination. And tonight he thought […]
Thomas Hood or Tom Hood’s Invisible Library June 30, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Tomorrow the monthly round up of interesting emails and communications – Beachcombing is slaving to get them ready in time. In the meantime, a further Invisible Library to add to the one that Frank Buckland discovered in late nineteenth-century Reading and that was featured here a couple of days ago. The following list was created […]