403 Cossack Adolescents: Soviet Genocide? April 23, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beach lives in a part of Europe (Italy) where the memory of the Soviet Union is revered not only by daft revolutionaries creeping out at night to graffiti their way to world revolution; a good part of the general population also makes this mistake. Of course, they will not defend Stalin and they shed some […]
Fusion and Confusion in Post Roman Britain September 18, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
***This extended essay was written as a sequel to a previous post on Roman Britain signalled in the first link*** We have looked before in the place at the darkness that descends on Britain after Rome decamps from the island. Our ignorance about this period of British history is simply astounding. We know that there […]
Genocide on the Isle of Wight? July 13, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing has noted before the refusal of archaeologists to face up to some of the bloodier customs of our ancestors. And what better example of this than the way that most archaeologists looking away on coming across any evidence of mass killings or human sacrifice in Dark Age Britain? Indeed, despite there being […]