Dried Cats August 12, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
In prehistory there were, by definition, no written records. In antiquity there were few. In the Middle Ages few or several. And, then, from the invention of the printing press onwards, in Western Europe at least, the flood of the written word is almost painful. Yet notwithstanding this deluge, incredibly, there are whole facets of […]
Cat Burial in Iceland July 31, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
This site has long tried to further the place of cats in history: something that typically involves describing the horrible things that humanity has done to felines. However, to date it has all been theoretical: a letter about Shelley’s refined animal cruelty; a Belgian tourist brochure about throwing cats off towers; or spurious but strangely […]
A Frightening Roman Cat May 25, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
***This post is dedicated to Invisible who sent the reference and the picture in*** Beachcombing was going to do a post on early parachutes today but he got caught up, instead, in a disturbing cat portrait and legend thanks to an email from Invisible. This nasty little moggy – look at it! – will simply […]
Shelley, the Cat, the Kite and the Bolt of Lightning May 11, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing thought that today he would combine a recent obsession – cats, with an older obsession – lightning and a coming obsession, kites. The party guilty for bringing these three unlikely subjects together was none other than Romantic brat extraordinaire Percy Bysshe Shelley (obit 1822 – ‘I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed’ […]
Viking and Pirate Black Cats May 8, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
***This post is dedicated to BAY and Raspberry Beret*** Beachcombing would be the first to admit that he has been overdoing it with cats recently: this despite not even particularly caring for moggies, being much more a dog and tortoise person. But an email from BAY on Beach’s black cats – unlucky for some piece […]
The Saint Who Became A Cat May 7, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has previously looked at St Christopher a dog-headed saint. But what about St Agatha who can turn into a cat? First a little background. Agatha was a martyr saint from Catania, Sicily whose five-day festival each year in early February remains one of the highlights of civic life in the city and whose climax […]
Black Cats: Unlucky for Some May 3, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, Modern
Beachcombing’s mother has flown in from the Dominions to visit her grandchildren and generally cause confusion – arguments over restaurant bills, dietary controversies and black cats… On the last point Beachcombing has to admit though that his mater has a point, one worth sharing with a wider audience. It would hardly be worth worrying about […]
Cat Fishing and Brahms April 13, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Again apologies for cessation in email communications and posting, Beachcombing is on the mend and normal service should resume tomorrow. *** Not so long ago Beachcombing said something unwise about musicians, namely that the classically inclined folk prior to the shamans of modern rock did not have particularly bizarre lives and that music was a […]
Cat Music and Cat Organs February 27, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
**This post is dedicated to the Mad Monk who has supplied Beach with several references over the months and who put Beach onto the precious secret of the Cat Organ.** Beachcombing has complained before about the strange absence of bizarrism in music and he has never been satisfactorily contradicted. This absence is particularly painful in ‘classical’ […]
Cat Murder in Early Modern Ypres July 7, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing has a great interest in the barbarous customs of our ancestors that, rather against the canons of good taste, have survived into modern times. A fine example of this is the Kattenstoet festival in Ypres or, as an English-speaker might have it, the cat-killing festival. Traditionally […]