ABCs: When and What April 17, 2018
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
ABCs (alien big cats) is the useful acronym given to descriptions of exotic felines that allegedly live wild in the British and Irish countryside. Between April 2004 and July 2005 the British Big Cats society recorded some 2,123 sightings of ABCs from pumas to lynxes. What is going on here? Well, there are a couple […]
Hating Medieval Cats #4: Waldensian Cats November 20, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Another in our description of the cult of hate for medieval cats. The following text is anonymous and appeared in a fourteenth-century hand in MS Cotton Julius D, xi, fol. 84 r. It is short and it entitled Errores Valdensium, the Errors of the Waldensians. The Waldensians, for the uninitiated were a Christian sect that […]
Hating Medieval Cats #3: Dominic’s Cat November 11, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Looking at medieval cat hating Beach came across this reference, from Etienne of Bourbon (again ran into the story in that wonderful book of Barillari, Protostoria della Strega, the translation though is not hers). We are no longer with the cat in a sabat. But this has to be one of the best demon descriptions of […]
Hating Medieval Cats #2: The Rod Cat November 5, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
A few days ago Beach started the hunt for cat hating in the Middle Ages. Here is a second text from Etienne de Bourbonne (aka Stephen of Bourbon) who has sometimes appeared here before. Etienne was a Dominican inquisitor and so is something of an expert, let’s say. Auvergne is in central France. Similarly something of […]
Hating Medieval Cats #1: The Rope Cat November 2, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
The black cat has been visited before on this blog: particularly the question of luck and cats. In three special posts we want to visit the question of why black cats came to be so hated in many parts of Europe. Here is one of the most interesting early texts, which comes from Walter Map, […]
The Chester Cat Hoax of 1815 September 3, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This is a short story published some 90 years after the event it supposedly described: Chester is a city on the northern Welsh borders. This story is frequently retold in miscellany of the bizarre, local histories and Francis Wheen includes it in his marvelous The Chatto Book of Cats, 1993. There are three interesting points: […]
Two Hebridean Losers Harrow Hell c. 1600 February 13, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Trip away today so a brief post about a rather unusual denouement to a life, Scottish Highland style. Allan was a villainous magician. In fact, we have come across him in the past roasting cats. When Allan was dying on his home island of Mull (in the 1600s though we are in a legendary past […]
Highland Cat Killing and Cat Demons September 2, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
There is a long tradition of cats being either pampered by humans or being killed in various ghastly ways. As noted before on this blog – the cat throwing of the Lowlands, for example – cat cruelty was, in the early modern period, institutionalized. Here is one horrific example from the Hebrides. Cat lovers might want […]
Tens of Thousands of Egyptian Mummies in English Soil? December 18, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Modern
For the hundreds of thousands of cats and kittens brought up for mummification in ancient Egypt life was brutal and short. Most lived six months to a year and then were either hammered on the head, or more typically had their necks wrung before being tightly bound and sold to the religious perhaps particularly pilgrims, […]
Cat Cruelty in Nineteenth-Century Magic May 21, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
***Unexpected summer flu, the result of sitting up all night and writing about boggarts then taking students up a mountain: act your age!*** Why is it always the cats that suffer? Beach has not the slightest idea but here is yet more proof that few animals get a worse deal from the esoteric world. The […]
When Cats Killed Men April 18, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Can a cat kill a human being? In the modern world you would need to invent a rather elaborate scenario involving microbes, extreme allergies or a long flight of stairs to make that one work. But in ancient Egypt cats regularly murdered their human neighbours: though first their human neighbours had to kill them. Diodorus […]
Feline Paws through History March 3, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
***Dedicated to Larry, Why Evolution is True and Andy the Mad Monk*** Feline lovers will curse us for saying this but the cat has not played a huge role in history. True, we have observed here in the past some its few runs across the stage of the past including the notorious cat organ, cat […]
Egyptologist Meets a Cat Goddess October 13, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
***Dedicated to Silvia*** Today a cat, a goddess and the great Egyptologist Arthur Weigall (obit 1934). For those who don’t know the name, AW was a British national who got involved in the race for knowledge and treasure in the Nile Delta in the early part of the twentieth century. He worked as an archaeologist […]
How Cats Create Neurotic Societies September 15, 2012
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
***Dedicated to Paschal*** Cats, it has been so long… The last cat tag was about cat clocks back in February, before that it was dried cats in 2011 and then there was cat burial in Iceland, black cats and luck and musical instruments that employ cats. But, thinking of today’s post, how can cats create […]