Hating Medieval Cats #1: The Rope Cat November 2, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
The black cat has been visited before on this blog: particularly the question of luck and cats. In three special posts we want to visit the question of why black cats came to be so hated in many parts of Europe. Here is one of the most interesting early texts, which comes from Walter Map, […]
The Longest Surviving Medieval Heresy August 26, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Imagine this. You wake up one morning in 1216 and say ‘to hell with it’. You walk into the local square of piazza stand on an upturned wheelbarrow and talk to your neighbours about the cosmos. Perhaps you’ve learnt that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had twins; or that the angels are worms in universal […]
Nine Historical Mysteries June 6, 2013
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
***Dedicated to Moonman*** Thanks to an email from an old friend of StrangeHistory Beach found himself wondering about moments from history that are mysterious, and where this blogger would chop off his own digits to get at the truth. In what follows, he has avoided the classics because, to be frank, he just doesn’t care […]