How to Make a Mummy: According to Bob Brier and Robert Wade March 27, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : AncientChecklist. You don’t believe in the resurrection of the dead? You are not squeamish about your body being messed around with after you have passed? You have no dangerous blood-bourne diseases? And you would like a form of immortality? Then why not volunteer to become an Egyptian mummy? This anyway is what happened 24 May […]
The Mummy, the Slitter and the Mortuary Mob February 20, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : AncientBeen reading a lot about Egyptian mummies recently. There are nauseating details, intermershed with fascinating stuff. Here is the single most famous description to come down to us in Herodotus: The best process is this one: as much as possible of the brain is taken out through the nose with an iron hook, and what […]