Skinny White: the Cleverest Pickpocket in Europe October 28, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach continues to enjoy pickpocket stories. This one was told of James White (skinny White) a pickpocket, who died in 1895 and who was ‘the cleverest pickpocket in Europe’. His obituary is willfully quiet about some of his exploits. It for example, tells us nothing of the ‘curious tales’ about his fun at Monte Carlo. […]
Daily History Picture: Flags Won October 27, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesCrash Ghosts October 27, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In 2008 that hoary old newspaper of the British right, The Daily Telegraph, all cobwebs and fox hunting, included a fascinating piece on a car-crashing ghost. Here follows a very brief edited version: Paranormal researchers are investigating the sightings of a girl in Victorian dress on a road in the West Midlands, which locals say […]
Daily History Picture: Artillery Victims October 26, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesTudor Sex Romps October 26, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The lovemaking of other ages is often obscured from us. A natural reticence, which the twenty-first century has largely given up on, draws a veil around medieval or Tudor sex. Our few exceptions include some rare pornographic accounts and a handful of legal descriptions where sex was getting someone in trouble and needed to be […]
Daily History Picture: Lighting Up in Tripoli October 25, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesVictorian Urban Legends: Thames Crocodiles October 25, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
There have been a few cases of crocodiles being found in the Thames. In 1897 and 1933 crocodiles were retrieved from the river: alive in the first case (two feet), and dead in the second (five feet). Note that there are also several modern claims that crocodiles have been seen on the river. However, what […]
Daily History Picture: Soviet Pianist October 24, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesSnowball Atrocities #6: Snowballs over Glasgow October 24, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In Beach’s long and passionate searches through the annals of snowballing, he has come across many descriptions of mass snowball fights. However, this, from February 1865, is perhaps his favourite. It combines reckless youth, police brutality (to not from), and significant property damage: in short it is the essence of the Victorian snow-balling. Glasgow has […]
New History Books: The March Against England October 23, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : New History BooksFat Boy Blusters October 23, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The US bombing of Hiroshima went off, in operational terms, flawlessly. The bombing of Nagasaki was a different matter. For one thing, Nagasaki was not even the target: Fat Man was supposed to have been dropped on nearby Kokura but smoke from a conventional raid obscured the bombing run. Everything that could go wrong on […]
Review: London Urban Legends October 22, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Scott Wood, London Urban Legends Urban legend junkies are perhaps the most attractive of all folklorists. Their brethren get obsessed with the minutiae of traditional culture: polkadots on dresses, superstitions about dandruff, dance rhythms… Alternatively, men and women of advanced years (who should know better) plunge into subjects that defy understanding, that are actually about not […]
Daily History Picture: Jungle Training October 21, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesA Canadian Fairy Hole (with Wigwam) October 21, 2016
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
The Fairy Hole on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia is a huge cave on a mountain side, some twenty yards across. There are several videos on youtube that give some sense of what it is like inside and immediately outside. Beach was interested by this site because Fairy Hole is a common placename in England, particularly […]