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  • Ghost or Fairy on the Road from Wilden to Ravensden? June 25, 2020

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Ghost or Fairy on the Road from Wilden to Ravensden?

    1873, 2 women see a weird humanoid on the road between 2 Bedfordshire villages. Was it a ghost, a fairy, death or an itinerant tramp?

    Ghosts and Fairies Attacking Railways June 17, 2020

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Ghosts and Fairies Attacking Railways

    In nineteenth century Britain we have several references to ghosts and fairies attacking newly constructed railways…

    Beachcombing’s Back June 2, 2020

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
    Beachcombing's Back

    I have had a couple of years off from the Beachcombing Blog and thought that it was time that I got to work again. When I started this blog ten years ago I was at a crossroads in my life. I’d just had a ‘bothersome’ medical diagnosis and I realised that I could no longer […]

    Catching a Leprechaun: A Modern Morality Tale March 19, 2019

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Catching a Leprechaun: A Modern Morality Tale

    There are several reports from early twentieth-century Ireland of crowds of boys chasing leprechauns. This is the best attested of what we might call ‘leprechaun riots’ (named for ghost riots): Belief in the fairies, the ‘good people’ is still prevalent in many of the country districts in Ireland. During the past few days the superstition has been revived in […]

    Christmas Update December 24, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed

    Dear Friends, many of you have written over the past months to ask me how I am and whether Beachcombing will return. I can’t answer that yet: though if it comes back it will be in a different form – there is muttering for example about a podcast. For now thanks for your interest and […]

    Family Emergency May 11, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
    Family Emergency

    Events have unfortunately overtaken the Beachcombings and this blogger is about to travel around the world to see a sick relative. Beachcombing is suspended until better weather. Might be a week might be a month…

    Daily History Picture: Marijuana Hell May 11, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Marijuana Hell

    Marijuana facts…

    Daily History Picture: Signing Peace May 10, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Signing Peace

    Peace signature in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.

    Daily History Picture: British Troops Post Mareth May 9, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: British Troops Post Mareth

    British soldiers after battle of Mareth Line 1943

    Biggest European Cities: 1800-2018 May 8, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
    Biggest European Cities: 1800-2018

    Messing around with numbers for the great European cities over the last two hundred years: I’m not interested so much in the biggest cities as the capitals of the most important countries. Can these be taken as barometers for the successes and failures of their countries? A few things stand out. First, growth is constant […]

    Daily History Picture: Kill the Dragon May 8, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Kill the Dragon

    1963, dragon killed in puppet show in Paris.

    Mermaid Monday: Brewster Mermaid May 7, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Mermaid Monday: Brewster Mermaid

    Some crappy days in London now, sigh. Here in any case, while I’m away, is an American mermaid case that washed up in an Irish newspaper in 1873. The original sources was supposedly the Provincetown Advertiser. We are at Brewster in Massachusetts. A supposed mermaid was seen upon the beach at Brewster last Thursday by […]

    Daily History Picture: German Space Program May 6, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: German Space Program

    German Space program: sorry…

    Immortal Meals #36: Courtesan and Parsley May 6, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Immortal Meals #36: Courtesan and Parsley

    This is an account of a legendary meal (perhaps too legendary?) that took place in the 1860s in Paris. The host and the subject of the meal was Cora Pearl a British courtesan based in the French capital. Her cuisine was legendary for the quality and quantity of the food that was served. Indeed a […]

    Daily History Picture: Headless Men May 4, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Headless Men

    Headless men, late medieval manuscript, note the chest eye and low beard.