Birth Pangs Spell June 13, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Location: this spell was attested in Salem, Massachusetts, 1670. It was used by one Zerobabel [[great name]] Endicott (Carter 1986, 23). Zerobabel (aka Zerubabbel) was a physician and here we have the sometimes thin line between 17C magic and 17 medicine.* Aim: to relieve birth pangs Ingredients: ale wort, ant nest, ant trowel, pre-heated oven, […]
Daily History Picture: Richard III June 13, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesDaily History Picture: Panties Day June 12, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesImmortal Meals #33: Fairy Feast 1912 June 11, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Oh to have been there… Walter Yeeling Evans Wentz was an American eccentric and mystic who from 1908 to 1911 studied British, Irish and Breton fairies. Readers may have come across his curious The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries, brought out in November 1911, the single most bizarre book every published by Oxford University Press […]
Mysterious Coffin Deposit June 10, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
John Aubrey (1626-1697) gives this curious description in Remaines (1689). What has he found here? At Priorie St Mary in the parish of Kington St Michael [in Wiltshire], have been formerly, and also lately found upon digging in the garden, in consecrated ground, severall coffins of freestone; they have all a hole, or two in the […]
Paul Stoller and Dongo June 9, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Paul Stoller was an American anthropologist who learnt sorcery among the Songhay people of Niger. After training, in the 1970s, with Adamu Jenitongo, ‘one of the most knowledgeable and arguably one of the most powerful Songhay sorcerers of his era’, he undertook a second apprenticeship with Hamidou Salou. Unfortunately in this apprenticeship the young American […]
Daily History Picture: Suffrage in Ohio June 9, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesDaily History Picture: Early Plane June 8, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesWW1 Rumours June 7, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Here are some more in the rumours series. Tales of international and sometimes local politics that relate or that are easily connected to the events of WW1. Beach did these at the same time as rumours for WW2 (another post another day). No question, WW1 rumours or those that the press deign to publish are […]
Daily History Picture: Young Elvis June 7, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesCrazies and Gentles: Two European Families June 7, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
Beach has recently been thinking a lot about a crucial difference between European nations, one that is perhaps not immediately evident to outsiders, but one that divides the continent into two camps: the capacity of these countries for bold if stupid actions. Put in the most vivid terms possible if Spain or Sweden or Lithuania […]
Daily History Picture: Miss US June 5, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesReprieve? June 5, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This weird war tale comes from a rather suspect book, Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion (1865), about the American Civil War. Note the almost total lack of details here: we are not even told whether this was a Confederate or Union regiment, though given the author’s loyalties we should presume the latter. This could […]
Woman to be Stoned and Blindfolded Priest June 4, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Unpleasant story warning. This dates to 1834 and incredibly was given in a public talk at the Society for the Conversion of the Jews. It is clearly a legend (there are many European parallels): see below. But Beach is desperately looking for more of the same from fiction or from ‘fact’. A clergyman in London, […]
A Sieve, a Fairy, a Midwife and a Mystery June 3, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
So here is a fairy mystery… In Romeo and Juliet Mercutio tells us that Queen Mab is ‘the fairies’ midwife’: a mysterious phrase that has never been explained. Most guides link it unconvincingly to a previous comment of Romeo’s. A much more interesting point of reference is a fairy poem of Ben Jonson. Beach has […]