The Karma Sutra of the Ancient Mediterranean July 8, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
If there is a heaven then Beachcombing hopes that, past the brass-band podium and the daisy strewn park, there will be a public Library of Lost Books, stocked with the works of antiquity and the middle ages that inconsiderate ancestors forgot to hand down to us. And, […]
Cat Murder in Early Modern Ypres July 7, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing has a great interest in the barbarous customs of our ancestors that, rather against the canons of good taste, have survived into modern times. A fine example of this is the Kattenstoet festival in Ypres or, as an English-speaker might have it, the cat-killing festival. Traditionally […]
Review: The Sledge Patrol July 6, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing has been delighted at the volume of correspondence for his story about Kurt the last combatant of the third Reich. Kurt though was only one of several score warriors in ‘the […]
Did Hitler and Lenin Play Chess Together in 1909? July 5, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Chess is sometimes called the ‘Game of Kings’. In modern times, at least, it would be truer though to call it the ‘Game of Dictators’. Such unsavoury individuals as Lenin, Napoleon, Fidel Castro, Colonel Gadaffi and the appalling Che Guevara – coming soon to a dress or a tee-shirt near you – all enjoyed the […]
Mad Coin-Burying Halliday July 4, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Modern
Beachcombing has noted, over the years, with great and punctilious interest, objects and people that archaeologists and historians have found in places where they almost certainly should not have been. Buddha statues in Viking Denmark, Viking weapons in pre Colonial Minnesota, American Indians in Europe… Some of these may be […]
A Mystery Animal in Ancient Africa July 3, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Beachcombing has been fascinated by the Voyage of Hanno since he was in short classicist pants. For this text, written in Hellenistic Greek, purports to describe a Carthaginian expedition down the western coast of Africa in the early centuries B.C., at a time when good Mediterranean folk had as little to do with the sub-Saharan side of the continent […]
Nineteenth-Century Witchcraft in Hebden Bridge July 2, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The British town of Hebden Bridge is to be found deep in the South Pennines. The town itself is merely quaint – it has, Beachcombing seems to remember, cobbles. But the countryside thereabouts is the stuff of Xanadu. Indeed, over-travelled Beachcombing is of the opinion that Hebden Bridge’s wooded valleys are Masada at dawn, […]
Beachcombed 1 July 1, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Readers, End of June 2010 Beachcombing wants to thanks all those who have written in with solutions or suggestions for his posts this month. He has taken care to include comments under individual blogs and he particularly wants to give space and honour here to the emails of six […]
Oft hung John Lee and an urban legend June 30, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing has recently had a bit of a thing about human sacrifice and capital punishment. But it is. he promises, a passing phase and has now reached its climax with a reading of Mike Holgate and Ian David Waugh’s superb The Man They Could Not Hang: The True Story of […]
German Crusaders lost in Central Asia? June 29, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval
Beachcombing often stretches himself pretty thin in covering the centuries and sometimes he just doesn’t have the languages to check up properly on a story. With these caveats he offers his readers the following tale that reads like a late Victorian or Edwardian boy’s own adventure. The text comes from Richard Halliburton’s Seven League Boots, […]
Review: Strange Histories June 28, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Strange Histories: the trial of the pig, the walking dead, and other matters of fact from the medieval and Renaissance worlds by Darren Oldridge (Routledge 2005) caught Beachcombing’s attention in Little Snoring’s charity shop. The book, in truth, stood out like a sore thumb among all the Mills and Boons, […]
Nazi Kurt captured in Arctic Circle in 1981 June 27, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing has long been fascinated by the last Japanese soldiers to surrender in the Second World War, several of whom crawled around the jungle islands of the Pacific for decades. Indeed, the very last, Nakamura, only came in from the cold in December 1974 after […]
Jesuits and Altitude Sickness June 26, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing was reading Lost on Everest (London 1999) by Peter Firstbrook last night when he came across a description of the Jesuit Antonio de Andrade crossing the Himalayas in 1624. De Andrade and his men had a nasty experience up in the passes, several feeling ill and De Andrade wrote: ‘According to the natives, many […]
The return of Mayan-style human sacrifice June 25, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing loves the way that some of the best historical stories hide behind the most oblique academic titles. Take, for example, Vera Tiesler and Andrea Cucina, ‘Procedures in Human Heart Extraction and Ritual Meaning: A Taphonomic Assessment of Anthropogenic Marks in Classic Maya Skeletons’ (Latin […]