Eating Roadkill September 6, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing’s village of Little Snoring is on a busy road and Beachcombing has long learnt to avert his eyes as various poor mammals appear inert before him on the tarmac. But knowing the infinite ingenuity of his fellow human-beings Beachcombing was only partly surprised to learn last week that there is a literature dedicated to the […]
Centaur of Volos September 5, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary
All centaur-lovers with a honeymoon or a sabbatical coming up should buy a ticket to Knoxville, Tennessee and visit the second floor of the Hodges Library at the University there. Still encased in the Greek mud, in which it sank almost two thousand five hundred years ago, is a centaur, the only one you will […]
History and Akasha – A Walk on the Wild Side… September 4, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval
Bit of an unusual post today as Beachcombing plunges, with misgivings and fear, into Akasha. Akasha is – for those of you, like Beachcoming a week ago, who have not the foggiest – ‘an unseen substance which is all around us all and present in every atom of this world and of the universe. This […]
Transexual Medieval Irish Abbot September 3, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing brings you to the south-east of Ireland, very close to where Dublin stands today, in that distant and slightly unreal past when all Irish folk stories are set. Our hero is the abbot of the monastery of Drimnagh. The time Easter. And this, being a fairly loose establishment, the abbot is a young married […]
Tally-ho: From Fighter Planes to Norman Knights? September 2, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has indulged himself in the last two months with a total of six RAF posts: all in commemoration of the seventieth anniversary of the Battle of Britain. He knows though that enough is enough and thought that he would start to wind down with ‘tally-ho’: he promises no more than a couple new air posts […]
Beachcombed 3 September 1, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Readers, End of August 2010 Beachcombing wanted to thank all those who have written in with solutions or suggestions or witticisms in the last thirty days. He has taken care to include comments under individual posts but he particularly wants to give space and honour here to the emails relating to eight titles: 1) Last Cavalry Charge: 2) […]
The Buddha Converts to Catholicism August 31, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Dream last night in which Beachcombing was forced to sit and write an exam by his (terrifying) secondary school science teacher. The subject? Krishna naturally. Taking this as an omen of sorts Beachcombing has determined that today he will delve into Eastern religion and tell the scandalous story of the Christian saint Josaphat and his […]
Review: First Light August 30, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing confesses that he has gone a bit Battle-of-Britain mad in the past few weeks with several posts on ‘their finest hour’ and the RAF generally. His excuse? Well, this is, after all, the seventieth anniversary of the BoB and so he offers here another, a review of his favourite BoB book: First Light. First Light not only […]
In Search of Aristotle’s ‘On Comedy’ August 29, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
In 1928 that old grumpystiltskins K.K. Smith wrote that ‘Like many another Lost Atlantis the chapter on comedy which Aristotle may have written to conclude his analysis of Poetics has lured many a searcher into waters beyond his depths.’ And, mindful of the warning, Beachcombing straps on his Little […]
The Last ‘Battle’ of the Revenge August 28, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing is not a great one for anniversaries but for Flores, 31 August 1591, a naval ‘battle’ – if a fire-fight between a solitary ship, the Revenge, and three dozen enemy can be so called – he will make an exception. (Actually we are […]
Churchill’s Dream August 27, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing wanted to offer today an obscure bit of Churchilliana, ‘The Dream’, that, incredibly, has never been published on the internet. Whether or not it is the best thing that Churchill ever wrote is to […]
Madog: The Missing Trans-Atlantic Poem August 26, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Universal mourning in the Beachcombing household as (i) twelve hours on trains and in hospital beckons and, more importantly, (ii) the beloved Beachcombing babysitter has announced her intention to go to South Africa. Beachcombing spent several hours trying to convince the local South African consul that said babysitter was actually a terrorist threat but to […]
Numbers and the White Slave Trade August 25, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Numbers are hobgoblins in history, especially prior to the beginning of grown-up records in the late nineteenth century. How many people lived in Roman Britain? Well, in the last forty years estimates have ranged from a couple of hundred thousand to six million. […]
24 August 1940: The Night That Hitler Lost The War August 24, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The answer to the question of when the Third Reich doomed itself to extinction depends naturally on whom you ask. Some will tell you Germany’s failure to secure the Mediterranean in 1942 was crucial. Others will point to the invasion of the Soviet Union […]