Germans Pay for the Sins of Their Great, Great, Great Grandfathers October 6, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing often misses major historical anniversaries on his blog or only cottons on a couple of days too late. Certainly he is off in raising the white flag to celebrate the last German payment of First World War reparations. For, yes, so it was that, on Sunday, 3rd October 2010, the German government put its […]
Hunter-Shoppers October 5, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Prehistoric
Beachcombing’s nickname at High School – concrete comprehensive school somewhere in the lush north – was Caveman. And Beachcombing’s peers – with that preternatural perception that adolescents still have before soap operas, nicotine and 9-5 set in – were onto something as the Stone-Ager was always close to the surface. Even now, it is enough for Beachcombing […]
Image: Comrade Lenin in Antarctica October 4, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
It was a dull weekend and so Beachcombing is going to give himself a pick-me-up this Monday morning with one of his favourite sports – making fun of the Soviet Union. And what better way to do it than with this fabulous photograph of the southern pole of inaccessibility, the point in Antarctica furthest from […]
Boiling mice in the name of history October 3, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
It is widely known, Beachcombing believes, that the Romans ate dormice. Despite sumptuary laws forbidding the practice – dormice were an indulgence – they were fattened in gardens and kept in winter in a glirarium (a large ceramic jar) to prevent them hibernating (and becoming thin…). They were then cooked, stuffed with pine kernels, garum, […]
Those Nice Austro-Hungarian Machine Gunners October 2, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing recently found himself marveling over a passage in Mark Thompson’s The White War on Italy’s dreadful First World War campaigns. Italy it must be remembered was fighting, for the most part, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Peacock Imperial Throne of central Europe. Another kind of collusion was so rare that very few instances were recorded […]
Beachcombed 4 October 1, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Readers, 1st October As tradition dictates Beachcombing begins the month with a Beachcombed bringing together the eight most interesting emails he has received in the last month. It is a bit of a hectic moment as Beachcombing is spending a week in and out of hospital so apologies ahead of time if this has not been […]
Dragons and Hairy Stars in Early Ireland September 30, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing knows that there is a fashion for exaggerating the achievements of the medieval Irish. So let Beachcombing be emphatic. The early Irish did not have a table of elements. They did not talk of words like ‘relativity’ or ‘displacement’. They did not make clones or drop atom bombs. However, recent research has suggested that […]
The Table Leg that Changed History (Kind Of) September 29, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing knows that estimates of the number of serious assassination attempts against Hitler vary from ten to twenty. However, the only one of these attacks that actually drew Adolf’s blood was the last, Claus von Stauffenberg’s gutsy solo effort towards the end of the war. In fact, on three different occasions – 11, 15 and 18 July […]
San Miniato: Renaissance Vandalism September 28, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing has loved the extraordinary monastery of San Miniato (Florence), his favourite continental church, since he first saw it fifteen years ago. Started in a largely undocumented generation in the eleventh century it showed from the beginning an ambition that, though wholly medieval in form, anticipated the Florentine renaissance in terms of its self-confident eccentricity. However, there […]
Image: They Can Because They Think They Can September 27, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
As his final tribute to the RAF on the seventieth anniversary of the Battle of Britain, Beachcombing offers this remarkable photograph from 19 Squadron. 19 Squadron had fought over Dunkirk and spent the Battle of Britain in the front line at Duxford: the legless and incorrigible Douglas Bader was one of her pilots as was […]
Blowing Up Robin Hood Airport September 26, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
Regular readers of this blog will know that Beachcombing is a stickler for chronology. For example, the ‘contemporary’ tag he regularly uses refers strictly to events between Germany’s invasion of Belgium in the summer of 1914 and the birth of Little Miss B in the summer of 2008. But every so often an event comes along […]
The Galeotti: Rowing Out Of The Barbary Coast September 25, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
It’s been a bad week in the seventeenth century. There you were, a French pilgrim, just minding your own business, lounging around on a Catalan cutter and, bang, Barbary pirates overrun the ship. Next thing you know you are being shunted on board their vessel kicking and screaming and being told that you are to be […]
Garibaldi’s Worst Hours September 24, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Giuseppe Garibaldi had been, in the late 1830s, an insurgent in Brazil: think Che Guevara with a good barber and bourgeoise decency. He had played the rhetorician who talked up Italian irregulars as they retreated from Rome in 1849: ‘Where we are Rome will be!’ He was the genius general who, in 1860, conquered half the peninsula […]
Super-Centenarians in the Roman Empire September 23, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Beachcombing knew that life expectancy in the Roman Empire stood at between twenty and thirty years of age – a figure dragged down, of course, by appalling infant mortality. So he was particularly fascinated to come across this passage in Pliny the Elder. In addition there are the experiences of the last census, held within the […]
A Kingdom in a London Hotel Room September 22, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Over the last weeks Beachcombing has offered a collection of posts from his Forgotten Kingdoms file. And he thought that today he would add to this with the smallest recognised state known to him: Suite 212 at Claridge’s. First a little background. Claridge’s has long had a reputation as the most exclusive London hotel. And […]