Last Axe Decapitations in the West October 21, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
A description this morning from one of Beachcombing’s books of the season Charles Duff’s A Handbook on Hanging, reviewed in September. To make sense of what follows it should be remembered that Germany had inherited from Prussia beheading as a form of capital punishment. Of course, France too favoured decapitation but employed the more lithe and winsome […]
Getting the Future Wrong: Book titles October 20, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beachcombing is in disgrace this morning. Friends of his from Britain, Pascal and Pascal’s wife Small Coloured Thing have been planning a jaunt over to Italy and Beachcombing’s home there. This was a cause of great celebration two weeks ago when the holiday was agreed upon. But then Beachcombing was so overwhelmed by mid-term exams […]
Elizabeth Siddal: poets behaving badly October 19, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing has a distant day almost constantly in mind – one that he fears tremendously – when little Miss B will arrive home from school prom or a disco or a walk in a wood with an ear-ringed possibly nose-ringed man on her arm, only to announce in dulcet tones: ‘Mum, Dad this is John, he is a poet’. For […]
Image: Dancing to Save the World October 18, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Mirella over at History and Women has the happy phrase, ‘Wordless Wednesday’, for her regular posts with images. And this ‘wordless’ approach is certainly the sensible one. But Beachcombing gets worryingly loquacious when powerful pictures come up and today is going to be no exception. The photograph above was one of a series of the […]
Review: After the Funeral – the Posthumous Adventures of Famous Corpses October 17, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has been spending a tense evening debating with Mrs B over their choice of Au Pair – God help the poor girl! And it is with some relief that he now escapes to the computer to write up his first review in a month. Of course, it is not that there are no good […]
Christopher Columbus and Mermaids October 16, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing cannot find it in himself to envy Christopher Columbus. All that salt water and all those incipient rebellions must have wreaked havoc on the good navigator’s blood pressure. But in one thing alone Beachcombing confesses to green-eyed rabid jealousy: the great Genovese explorer saw Mermaids, not once, but twice in his life, while the closest poor […]
Harry: A 175 Year Old Survivor of the Beagle? October 15, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing has been interested in longevity recently and thought that today he would highlight the remarkable case of Harry, a particularly long-lived crew member of the Beagle, the boat on which Darwin travelled to the Galapagos and on which the English scientist hatched his explosive ideas. Now some dates to give a sense of just […]
Calleva: the Last Romano-British City October 14, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Beachcombing finishes, today, his rapid tour around bizarre or curious near-London and London sites: a work he has undertaken partly for Canadian History Student and partly out of nostalgia – he is in Italy at the moment. And what better place to end than Calleva Atrebatorum, the Woody Place of the Atrebates Tribe, way out […]
The Isis Arms: Britain’s oldest pub October 13, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Beachcombing is having fun this week looking for off-the-beaten-track places in and around London for Canadian History Student. And this morning he is out on Tooley Street in Southwark seeking London and, indeed, Britain’s oldest pub, the Isis Arms. The pub in question was built in the first generation of Roman London, say, c. 70 […]
Going Dark Age on the Circle Line October 12, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing’s trawl around south-east England and London on behalf of Canadian History Student is now three-days old and continues here with another side of London’s Circle Line. The Circle Line for any London virgins among Beachcombing’s readership is the wonderful series of station represented by a yellow circle on the map of central London that goes […]
A Ring, A Curse Stone and J.R.R. Tolkien October 11, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
As noted in yesterday’s post Beachcombing is presently trying to pass on some off-the-beaten-track travel tips to Canadian History Student in his/her coming trip around south-east England. Beachcombing thought that for the second of his suggested visits he would counsel a quick run up to Vyne House near Basingstoke. Beachcombing doesn’t care much for the […]
Druidic Ravens at the Tower of London? October 10, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing got an email this week from a Canadian history student. ‘Seeing as you seem to have knowledge of historical things quite off the beaten track I thought I’d seek some historic tourism advice. I’m a Canadian history student and over Christmas I’ll be travelling to London. I plan on a doing a couple of […]
Politicians and Maps October 9, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
As Beachcombing explained in a previous post it has been a difficult week. And yet his attempt to shrug off the blues with an unfortunate Mayan sacrificial victim yesterday backfired – he had bad dreams. Here then is a further attempt moving on from Mesoamerican pain to political stupidity. And as there is so much stupidity out […]
Mayan Blood and Mayan Victims October 8, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing has had a bad week and so to perk himself up a little he thought that he would resort to the last strategy of the truly desperate: pity someone who is worse off than himself. In this spirit and in continuance of his wcih (‘worst careers in history’) series he has decided to rememeber the […]
Antique Christians in Furthest China October 7, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Beachcombing has often visited in these pages his favourite WIBT (‘wish I’d been there’) moments from history. And today he takes the gentle reader to another this time in China in honour of his mother and step-father who have recently fled the dominions for a holiday in the Far East. It is 1625 and the gutsy Portuguese […]