Mary Anning and the Fire from Heaven January 4, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing is in disgrace tonight for accidentally sitting on ten-day-old Tiny Miss B – she was wrapped in a duvet on a sofa and Beachcombing homes in on comfort wherever it is to be found. Beachcombing will expiate his guilt by writing about Mary Anning (obit 1847), the fossil hunter and an extraordinary fire-from-the-heavens episode […]
Image: Executing Christ January 3, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The Spanish Civil War… the junction of the twentieth century. Often sold as the beginning of the Second World War it was, in reality, the last blast of an older nineteenth-century battle, the battle between left and right. Once Barcelona had fallen […]
Fairy Death in Ilkley January 2, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
There is a melancholy time in rural communities when belief in fairies dies – a moment in a village life comparable to the moment in a child’s life when he sees his grandfather’s face behind the Santa beard. Wentz examined this fairy death in Ireland and Scotland and Wales in The Fairy Faith in Celtic […]
Beachcombed 7 January 1, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear All, 1 Jan 2011 Beachcombing wants to take this opportunity to thank all his readers, regular and irregular, for their visits in the last seven months and the many good wishes he has received for the arrival of Tiny Miss B. Here is a round-up of some of the most interesting emails that arrived in the last […]
New Year and Minnie Louise Haskins December 31, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing is about to settle down to frying some aubergines (as you do). He thought though that before this he would offer by way of New Year greetings to all his readers the sentence that ends this piece in bold. Banal and even objectionable in their way these words by Minnie Louise Haskins were sanctified […]
First Greek Encounter with a Parrot December 30, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
In the ancient Mediterranean parrots were an exotic bird. They were rare, they were multicoloured and they could even repeat human words more convincingly than the native mimics: starlings, magpies and nightingales. Understandably, then, when they appeared, they were attention-grabbers. Indeed, in some periods of antiquity Beachcombing can barely read a source without tripping […]
Martin Luther and the Fire from Heaven December 29, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beachcombing has looked before at hinge moments – moments where a simple incident changes history; moments which, had they not happened, would have resulted in a quite different world. Beachcombing thought that, in this spirit, he would today visit Mansfeld, Germany 2 July, 1502 where a young student, Martin Luther, is out walking. Luther’s great fortune […]
Tenth-Century Arabs in Mozambique December 28, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
The extraordinary reach of Islamic traders in the Middle Ages is well known. With their heartlands at the juncture of Euro-Asia and Africa – rather than stuckout on a periphery like Christian Europe – they managed to send their boats to every point of the compass. So medieval Arab traders […]
Droit de Foreigner December 27, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Internet provider still playing up…. Beachcombing has had the pleasure of spending some time in the company of the sixteenth-century European traveller Varthema (obit 1517) previously – in connexion with a unicorn at Mecca. And today, he is going to return to the side of the eastward-bound one, now in Tarnassari (Tenasserim) India. The king of the said […]
Fire from the Heavens in Early Medieval Ireland December 26, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing has been cursing his internet provider today that has managed, with characteristic incompetence, to deprive the Beachcombings of their connection to the world wide web – no joke when you live in a rural idyll and make most of your phone-calls by skype. In any case, Beachcombing will do his best to smuggle this out […]
The Catalan Caganer December 25, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A fascinating book needs to be written – Beachcombing might possibly publish it: drbeachcombing AT yahoo DOT com – on nativity scenes around the world. After all, you can sketch out a geography of Western culture with the way that different regions set out their Xmas scenes. From the life-sized North American nativities, to the wooden […]
Aulus Gellius and Antique Forteana December 24, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Mrs B is incapacitated in the hospital, tiny little Miss B is learning to drink milk and the trusty family au pair is down and out with flu. Beachcombing, thus, has a terrifying day ahead of him alone with Little Miss B who has already made it clear that she objects to her little sister’s […]
Image: Omagh Ground Zero December 23, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Beachcombing has had to miss writing a serious post today because of the arrival of his second-born at the local hospital. He thought that, in lieu of that ‘serious post’, he would offer instead this extraordinary photo from Omagh in Northern Ireland 1997 – a celebration of what it means to eat, breathe and read good books. The […]
Review: Moa Sightings December 22, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
[automatic reserve post] When Beachcombing was just a wee sprog, he used to read books and be transported to other worlds. Those were the times when three hundred pages written by John Buchan, Evelyn Waugh or Enid Blyton could set off fire balls in his head. But then Beachcombing lost his innocence – schooling […]
The Search for Fusang December 21, 2010
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
The snow is melting rapidly outside and just in time. Mrs B is suffering in the room above from what look like real contractions – Beachcombing conspicuously absent. Beachcombing then is going to let his source do all the talking today. If he hasn’t written much of a conclusion then the chances are that the […]