Daily History Picture: Sad Grave October 24, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesRoy Vickery, the Green Man October 24, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Much of British folklore has been carefully curated and packed into volumes on library shelves: but most of British folklore lies, in truth, uncollected out in the fields. This brings us to one of the heroes of modern British folklore, Roy Vickery. RV is a botanist with a long-term interest in the folklore of plants: […]
Daily History Picture: October 23, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
1942 Stalingrad: unlikely he survived… Tim from Detritus writes: ‘I realize that the History Photos are subject to less reader scrutiny than the formal posts. But your “Grizzled German Soldier” caught my eye. The uniform was odd. It has a Luftwaffe “eagle” and an Infantry combat badge. Perhaps an antiaircraft unit that was forced into a […]
Mermaid Monday: Early Welsh Mermaid October 23, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Mermaid images from medieval Britain and not particularly common. There are quite a few medieval carvings, some explored in an interesting 2013 book Of Sirens and Centaurs by Alex Woodcock. But actual drawings or paintings are rare. This is why this fabulous doodle in a fourteenth-century Welsh manuscript is so exciting. The manuscript in question […]
Leprosy Spell October 22, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Location: Roman Italy where leprosy is well documented. This is one of these ancient treatments that is presented as science but reeks of magic. Aim: limit progression of leprosy Ingredients: bugs, fire, earthenware pot, linen cloth, rose leaves, salt, vinegar and water. Method: (i) Gather some insects in. These should be cantharides (spanish fly, fat […]
Moth: Shakespeare’s Most Mysterious Fairy October 21, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
An important fairy institution are bad productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in which a little girl with brown butterfly wings runs on stage being announced as Moth, one of Titania’s maids. Yet bad moth costumes may all be based on a misunderstanding. The basics. Titania, it will be remembered, has four servants: Peaseblossom, Mustardseed, […]
Daily History Picture: Sinatra Selfie October 20, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesDeath by Carpet October 19, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beach has been worrying for a while about the death of the last Abbasid Caliph in February 1258. The man in question, al-Musta’sim-Billah Abu-Ahmad Abdullah bin al-Mustansir-Billah had had the misfortune, fifteen years into his reign, to be confronted with a massive Mongol invasion under Hulegu. Al-Musta’sim-Billah was not a particularly martial sort and […]
Daily History Picture: Pompeii Joke October 19, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesDaily History Picture: Marine Animals October 18, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesDaily History Picture: Hell! October 17, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesMonday Mermaid: Singing Florida Mermaids October 16, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This was published in The Orchestra in 1870. It is a curious account of singing fish in the US… It is very tempting to connect these phenomenon and others like them to the mermaid tradition: in the same way as that the rhino is presumably somewhere behind the unicorn. ‘One day as I was returning […]
Daily History Picture: Fairy Faith October 16, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesLittle Fairy on the Prairie October 15, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach spends a lot of his time chasing fairies in eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century books. Because he doesn’t have an exceptional library to hand and because travel is so damn annoying he finds the best thing to do is buy books on the basis of emails from friends and readers; or ‘snippets’ on Google […]
The Monster of Ryde October 14, 2017
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Some weeks ago Beach had some fun running through twentieth-century British monster stories. Here was one of his favourites. It has everything: a lion’s head, big tracks, a creepy cry and became part of a war-time propaganda campaign. We are at Ryde on the Isle of Wight off the coast of southern England: it is […]