Fairy Death Bed Conversion December 15, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernBeachcombing’s fairy year continues. In his grazing through the accounts of the fairy faith on the western and northern fringe of Europe one of the things that has most fascinated him is the belief of the connection between Catholicism and things fairy. There is a famous early modern comment – irritatingly Beach can’t remember by […]
Christian Cannibalism in the Middle Ages December 14, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Beachcombing sometimes begins his posts with naff excuses about why he can’t write much on this or that occasion, but today the pressure is really on: exams to be marked, the ill to be visited, books to be sent, syllabi to be written, course packs to be checked, the trauma of saying goodbye to much […]
Dunkirk and Golden Bridges December 13, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ContemporaryDunkirk is one of those moments in recent history that you have to look at sideways to have even a modest chance of understanding and still then there is something that defies analysis. How was it that the British Expeditionary Force, demoralized, bloodied and on the run, with the greatest army of the twentieth century […]
White Horses, Sex and Sovereignty December 12, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Inspired by Southern Man’s comment on yesterday’s post Beach thought he would today quote from some of the passages relating to Irish sovereignty. There was in pre-Norman Ireland the idea that the land is a woman, Sovereignty, who must be courted and seduced by the successful king. Take, for example, this rather tame passage relating […]
Britain, Europe and Wife-swapping December 11, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ActualiteA rather off-the-wall post reflecting on some of the imagery used in the last few days as the UK begins its long, hard crash out of the European Union. While little Miss B continues to play with her new rabbit and the family opens another door on their electronic advent calendar, history is being made. […]
Luftwaffe Kills A Rabbit, Perhaps December 10, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Little Miss B in seventh heaven last night and this morning as the family has been gifted a small black rabbit. This black rabbit is not destined to have the happiest of lives as LMB insists on watching Disney cartoons with it. Beachcombing, in any case, fell asleep with rabbits and woke up thinking of […]
The Everliving Child December 9, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernExams are pressing and so a short African post from an early nineteenth-century British adventurer: In Cromantine [Ghana?] there exists a tradition, or rather a tale, to deceive strangers, that they have still in their possession a male child, who has existed ever since the beginning of the world. This child, they declare, neither eats, […]
Rhyming with Death December 8, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
Death concentrates the mind wonderfully and, at least in the east, a longstanding custom has been to pen a final poem: a last communiqué to the world. This custom stretches far back into the Middle Ages and perhaps the greatest thing to recommend it is the brevity of the works in question So we […]
Dud Eighteenth-Century Ghosts December 7, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernOn previous occasions Beachcombing has celebrated the way that eighteenth-century and nineteenth century Britons, at least before the spiritualists and Tibetano-philes got started, attempt to mock the superstitious out of existence. He recently came across several examples involving ghosts and fakery that amused him and that involve Somerset on the edge of the south-west. These […]
Turkish in Medieval Cambodia? December 6, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
An incredibly busy day today – exams are drawing near – and so Beach is going to put up a cheat post with apologies, using an extract sent in by a reader. This appeared a couple of weeks ago and was pasted under a previous post on Amazons. However, Beachcombing is not interested, at least […]
Flying to the Moon on Geese December 5, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Beach has heard rumours over the years of Domingo Gonsales’ strange voyage to the moon in the early seventeenth century [1620s], carried thither by a flock of enormous geese. But it was only this morning that he finally settled down to read DG’s adventures: perhaps inspired by the equally fantastic Zambian moon programme. For those […]
The Zambian Space Programme of 1962 December 4, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
One of the problems of looking for the bizarre in history is that, after a while, you’ve read everything before: mermaid funerals in the Hebrides, tick; bats used in bombs against Japan, tick; Roman legionaries in China, tick… But then every so often something comes along that is fresh and that has completely escaped your […]
Swearing to Mermaids December 3, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A further Scottish Mermaid sighting, dating to October 1809. This one is particularly interesting because there seems to have been a concerted effort to get the local ‘yokels’ – whose testimony is usually reckoned at less than naught – to swear to what they saw. Neil McIntosh in Sandy Island, Canna, states that he has […]
Case of the Cottingley Fairies December 2, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : ContemporaryJoe Cooper, The Cottingley Fairies, 1990. The story is a simple one. In the First World War a young girl named Frances Griffith saw fairies at the brook where she played in the Yorkshire village of Cottingley. In 1917 she and her older friend Elsie Wright were stung by their parents’ refusal to believe Frances. […]
Beachcombed 18 December 1, 2011
Author: Beach Combing | in : BeachcombedFraternal greetings to all readers! 1 dec Beachcombing has had a bit of a tense month with various family members falling ill and repeated dreams about escaping from prison. This blog has, as so often, been a welcome distraction, growing appreciably in terms of regular visitors: indeed, a correspondent wrote in a couple of weeks […]