Pre-Columbian Trips to America? Ballast! January 19, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
Imagine the excitement of the archaeologists who had gathered at NA-57 off the Florida coast near Fernandina in 1972. In some offshore piles they had found various bits of ‘rubbish’ from European settlers: ceramics, pipes, glass fragments… Nothing special you might think. But what was unusual was the dating. British settlements began in the area in […]
14 Agege Motor Road, Idi-Oro, Mushin: the Kalakuta Republic! January 18, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
The Kalakuta Republic appears as part of our longstanding Forgotten Kingdoms tag. Kalakuta was the brain child of one of the most significant African musicians of the post-war period, Fela Kuti. Kuti, for those who don’t know the name, was a Nigerian with both talent and attitude. He spent formative years outside his home country living in […]
Medieval Shamanic Account from Iceland January 17, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
‘Shaman’ is a much misused word. But here is a medieval account of shamnism from northern Europe that is, to the best of this blogger’s knowledge without parallel. The text is a saga: Vatnsdaela Saga, a thirteenth-century Icelandic text. The author tells of Ingimundr the Old who was born and brought up in northern Norway. […]
Invisible Star Trek Library January 16, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***Dedicated to Larry*** The Invisible Library tag is dedicated to those books that have never existed outside the human imagination. Today Beach turns with some excitement to Memory Alpha, a planetoid in the Alpha Quadrant, in the Star Trek universe. Memory Alpha, which appeared in the third ‘Kirk’ series, was truly an invisible library, it […]
Purring: A Taxonomy and an Exhibition at Wigan January 15, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This site has a small tag on the history of purring, the sometimes noble and often incredibly ignoble Lancashire marshal art whereby a man repeatedly kicked opponents or victims as hard as he could. We return to the theme today because of the exciting news that a Purring Display is going up in Wigan Museum, […]
Bonus Amicus: A Medieval Mr Ed? January 14, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
One of these cute medieval stories that may even have a factual basis. There was a knight in Catalonia in our times, of very high birth, dashing in warfare, and gracious in manners, whose name was Guiraut de Cabrera. This man had a horse of outstanding quality, unrivalled in speed and – unprecedented marvel – […]
The British and Invasions January 13, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Medieval, Modern
I watched a few years ago an even then old documentary in which a celebrated/notorious British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell interviewed (God knows how they pulled this off) a Soviet general and shared with him an unusual geographical philosophy. EP said that Britain and Russia were both protected by geography, one by water ‘as […]
Zeus in China? January 12, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
This blog has pioneered the scientific reporting of contacts between distant civilisations with our wrong place tag. Today strangehistory offers up a particularly satisfying hint of Greek culture penetrating China in the Hellenic period (crudely fourth century to first century AD) based on the work of sinologist and WANW in the making Lukas Nickel and […]
ROLFUDRETUS and Last Country Standing January 11, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
This is a bad period in Italy. The self-employed, a quarter of the population, are presently being taxed at about 50%. The public sector is inefficient and weighs the country down. The law – always a relative concept in Italy – has become a simultaneously braying and defecating ass. And the Euro is crushing Italian manufacturing. […]
Welsh Leaf Mould, Pies and Cunning Magic January 10, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
A nineteenth-century letter detailing some very unusual goings on at Hawarden on the Welsh borders. On Sunday the 17 inst., it was discovered that some earth had recently been dug up under the east window of the church. At first it was supposed that some still-born infant had been deposited there [!!!]; but on procuring […]
The Venkov Lenin: the Bizarre Fate of a Communist Era Statue January 9, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Picture borrowed from Vacilando, a useful source for information on Lewis Carpenter There are some great stories about Lenin statues and busts, including Lenin in Antarctica, a post featured on this blog a couple of years ago. For now though let’s turn to one of the most travelled of all the statues of the man […]
The Sphinx: Bushed, Plumed and Painted January 8, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
The Sphinx needs no introduction. The vast majority of educated people would be able to close their eyes and visualise his face almost perfectly, not least because of his use as an icon for antiquity and for Egypt and even for mysticism. But when we imagine the Sphinx in our mind’s eye we, of course, […]
Miraculous Survival with Parachute January 7, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
***in his long tradition of blogging incompetence Beach accidentally put up two posts yesterday including, briefly, an incomplete post on folklore and the Nessie legend. That will come in the next month! Apologies!*** A late supplement to the post on those who survived jumps from planes without a parachute. This is the most remarkable instance […]
Epiphany Gift #4: The John O’London Fairy Letters! January 6, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Welcome to the fourth annual Beachcombing epiphany gift: first there was War in Dollyland; then there was Scary Fairies; then there was New Frontiers and now, in cooperation with the Fairyist we offer the John O’London Fairy letters, an early twentieth-century cache of fairy encounters from a period when these things were not much written […]
Spirit Photo Fakes: Katie King January 5, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The Count (a regular contributor here) is to blame. Beach had hoped to spend just a couple of thousand nano-seconds on spirit photography, but it is so extraordinarily interesting. Last time we looked at some late nineteenth-century photographs where ghostly loved ones were portrayed with their families in the most transparent fakes. But what about […]