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  • Hilarious Ghost-Ewe Incident in Scotland January 19, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Hilarious Ghost-Ewe Incident in Scotland

    Bureaucracy hell at the moment in Italy so here is a simple but marvelous stocking filler from 1870. Reminds Beach of one of his favourite ever posts, on a hare in a Manx courtroom. Perhaps not quite as good but almost… We are in northern Scotland near Inverness. The other evening, while two servant girls […]

    Daily History Picture: Social Fairy Problems January 19, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Social Fairy Problems

    Two fairies look down on stage fairies at the Garrick.

    Daily History Picture: New York Ants January 18, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: New York Ants

    Beautifully colorised, New York Ants in the 1930s. All those hats…

    Daily History Picture: Pizza-Eating Suffragettes January 17, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Pizza-Eating Suffragettes

    1921, Suffragettes eat pizza, my file says ‘to annoy men’! Very early for pizza outside Italo-Americans in the US. 29 Jan 2018 Neil H writes ‘Although this picture often appears with the caption, “In 1921, early suffragettes often donned a bathing suit and ate pizza in large groups to annoy men.” Sadly they appear to be […]

    Daily History Picture: GPS 1920s-Style January 16, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: GPS 1920s-Style

    Beautiful 1920s technology: GP 1920s-style.

    What are Fairy Trees? January 16, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval, Modern
    What are Fairy Trees?

    Nothing about fairies is easy but Beach is getting more and more confused about one aspect of fairy life and that is their trees. In the Gaelic-speaking world (or what was the Gaelic-speaking world, RIP) thorns were commonly associated with fairies. These are the trees that workers are sometimes terrified about cutting down. In Wales […]

    Daily History Picture: War Over, New York January 15, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: War Over, New York

    War over in New York. The false 1918 celebrations: a wrong report from Europe set off the celebrations prematurely.

    Mermaid Monday: the Watra Mama January 15, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Mermaid Monday: the Watra Mama

    Apologies for the absence of Mermaid Monday over Christmas. Here we are back with an account from Captain Stedman: seen previously in this blog tangling with a fairy. Stedman has been talking about tapirs. He, then, gives some interesting opinions from his peers about mermaids (II, 182-3). A Mr. Selefelder, of the Society service, at […]

    Viper Will January 14, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Viper Will

    Beach recently reach ran across this will in an early nineteenth-century publication, Kirby’s Wonderful Museum, vol IV, p. 259. Enjoy. I do hereby direct my executors to lay out five guineas in purchase of a picture of the viper biting the benevolent hand of the person who saved him from perishing in the snow, if […]

    Mandans’ Arrows Feat January 13, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Mandans' Arrows Feat

    Here is an extraordinary description of George Catlin (obit 1872), American painter and ethnologist (before his time) among the Mandans, with the matching image above. The game is basically this: how many arrows can you shoot into the air before your first arrow hits the ground. What Beach finds extraordinary are the number of arrows […]

    The Maddest Sports Bet: the Barclay Challenge January 12, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Maddest Sports Bet: the Barclay Challenge

    It is well known that there was a great deal of walking or pedestrian enthusiasm in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England. Usually, these races were a question of going from, say, London to York in x number of hours or of beating y over the same distance. However, Beach recently ran across the single weirdest race […]

    Daily History Picture: Fairy Queen January 12, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Fairy Queen

    A fairy queen from New Jersey, 1903

    Daily History Picture: Rescued Slaves January 11, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Rescued Slaves

    HMS Daphne and rescued slaves, 1868: a long way from home.

    Daily History Picture: Confederate Prisoners January 10, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Confederate Prisoners

    1863, Confederate prisoners in their misery.

    Death by Oak January 10, 2018

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    Death by Oak

    Beach has recently been having nightmares about narrow corridors. This story is a form of reverse therapy. It also taps into other stories told in this place of men and women who get into trees and can’t get out afterwards. It is well known that during the French Revolution, the wood Kusel, near Deux Ponts […]