Immortal Meals #19: Rum Up at Harewood House January 2, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern***Dedicated to Chris who sent this one in*** The year is 1805, the month December and the location Harewood House, a delightful stately house near Leeds, Yorkshire. The cellar records have a special note for this meal as something extraordinary happened there. The Lascelles family, who had built and owned Harewood, ordered up eight bottles […]
Beachcombed 55 January 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : BeachcombedDear Reader, Anarchy rages in the Beachcombing house with newborns and shifting nannies, then, this morning snow arrived on the beach. Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. I’ve put the very best contributions below to the posts from this month. Thanks to all emails too. […]
Index Biography #14: prize = book December 31, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernLL writes in with the correct answer, scroll down… The Index Biography is a new form of biography pioneered by this blog and introduced in a previous post. The creator must find a biography of a famous individual from history, they must turn to the index and write down eight peripheral facts about the individual’s life. […]
The Ghosts of Children Past December 30, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite, ContemporaryBeach has spent a lazy Christmas trying to get to know his new daughter and trying to stop his two elder daughters from killing ‘baby’: ‘can I carry her up the stairs’, ‘but I thought she would like to eat a carrot’ etc etc. All this primed him for a dive into CHILDES, possibly the […]
Benedict’s Pool (Worcestershire/Gloucestershire) December 29, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernThis ghost story is a curiosity, a maverick. It is not that there are not haunted pools or even haunting monks. But no book read by this blogger has ever troubled to put them together and certainly no tradition makes the monk into a nasty piece of work. This is a nineteenth century, which seems […]
Fighting Sea Monsters with Vinegar in Medieval Iran December 28, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : MedievalOne of the joys of ancient and medieval geographies are the small ethnographic details that sound strange, but that might just possibly be based on fact. The following comes from the works of Chang De, a thirteenth century ambassador and informant for a famous Chinese work, The Record of an Embassy to the Regions of […]
Churchill: Euro-Sceptic or Pro European? December 27, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ContemporaryWinston Churchill is a hero to almost all points of the spectrum of British politics and it is quite natural that his views are trotted out to justify positions. How predictable then that proponents of the European Union and those against the European Union, the single most pressing issue in British political life, trot out […]
Saved by Birds and a Gypsy December 26, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernArchduke Joseph Karl (obit 1905) was one of the minor scions of the Austro-Hungarian royal family. He was famous though for a particular interest: in a country where gypsies were despised he was a Roma-phile, writing books on gypsy culture and even learning their language. In his attempts to advance the claims of the gypsy […]
At the Lychgate: Happy Christmas! December 25, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ContemporaryAt the lychgate we may all pass our own conduct and our own judgments under a searching review. It is not given to human beings, happily for them, for otherwise life would be intolerable, to foresee or to predict to any large extent the unfolding course of events. In one phase men seem to have […]
Daily History Picture: Tsar Nicholas After Abdication Before Death December 24, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesPoor old Tsar Nicholas, months away from execution. Heavy the head that wears the crown, but heavier still (to judge by his face) those who’ve just lost it….
Gypsies as Children Stealers in Italy: A Modern Myth December 24, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, MedievalAs noted previously on this blog the idea that gypsies steal children is an old one, at least five hundred years old if one piece of medieval German legislation is to be taken seriously. It is an idea that has died out in most western countries, but one that has survived curiously in Italy where, […]
Daily History Picture: Wright Brothers Fun December 23, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesA Dublin Haunted House Case December 23, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernWe’ve looked before at Irish haunted houses in court cases. But in this forgotten nineteenth-century ghost story there is some ambiguity about whether the noises were nasty neighbours, creaking floorboards or spirits from the other side (1885) A remarkable case was heard on Saturday in Dublin. Mr Waldron, solicitor’s clerk, sued his next door neighbour, […]
Daily History Picture: Execution 1945 December 22, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesVivid shot of German general Anton Dostler being executed for his part in the murder of American POWs.
The Loneliness of Nineteenth-Century Infanticide December 22, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : ModernToday an unmarried mother, in a western country will be, assuming that the father is nowhere to be seen, taken care of by the state or by her family. This was not necessarily the case in the nineteenth century, and in that period an unmarried mother would find herself the object of scorn to boot. […]