Daily History Picture: More Snail Wars! February 15, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesEuropean Kings: the Most Dangerous Job in the World? February 15, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Last week’s silly post on royal tennis deaths and flashbacks from Game of Thrones got Beach thinking. We all die, but if you were a European monarch what were the chances that someone would kill you? The weekends are short so Beach limited himself to England. From 1000-1700 there were 43 monarchs: obviously there is some […]
You Can’t Go Home Again: Aunt Janey and Other Stories February 14, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Qua campis cervos agitabat sacra juventus/ Incumbit fessus nunc baculo senior./ Nos miseri, cur te fugitivum, mundus, amamus? (‘Here the holy young man who chased deer in the fields, now, stands a broken old man with a stick/ O what wretches! Why, world we love, do you flee from us?’) Alcuin O Mea Cella Beach’s […]
Daily History Picture: Experimental Weapon in Detroit February 13, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesTwo Hebridean Losers Harrow Hell c. 1600 February 13, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Trip away today so a brief post about a rather unusual denouement to a life, Scottish Highland style. Allan was a villainous magician. In fact, we have come across him in the past roasting cats. When Allan was dying on his home island of Mull (in the 1600s though we are in a legendary past […]
Daily History Picture: Bombed Out Dresden February 12, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesImmortal Meals #20: The Breakfast That Killed Seven Hundred February 12, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Let us, first, introduce Fort Douaumont. The mightiest of the Verdun forts, Douaumont was captured by the Germans early in the battle for Verdun, 25 February 1915, just four days after fighting had begun. The fort was taken (with hardly a shot being fired) because of unbelievable French carelessness in garrisoning the jewel in their Verdun […]
Daily History Picture: Dividing Germany February 11, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
German propaganda poster about what the allies would do should they win the Great War: it may have been wise…
Totalitarian Jiang and The Sound of Music February 11, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
There are few things as entertaining as a power struggle in the upper echelons of a totalitarian state. What could be better than glimpses of profoundly unpleasant people, with an endearing lack of boundaries, doing profoundly unpleasant things, to slightly or momentarily less powerful unpleasant people? Perhaps it is the closest we get to an […]
Daily History Picture: Bear Bite Magic February 10, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesA Roman Coin in the Congo! February 10, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Roman coins turn up in the wildest places: Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Iceland… But who would have ever guessed the discovery of a Roman coin in sub-equatorial western Africa? The reference was first given Italian Rivista of Numismatica (vi, 1893, 45). However, the passage quoted here is a digest from Mouvement Géographique (26 Nov 1893): En […]
Daily History Picture: An American Welcome February 9, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
Dated to 1923 (1943?? see below), white angst in (West Coast?) America 10 Feb 2015: Leif writes ‘The photograph is from 1942 or 1943, not 1923. What is a poorly dressed woman doing with a professionally painted sign on her house? In the prewar era a woman would wear nice clothes for a photograph, assuming […]
The Peshev Insurgency February 9, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Dimitar Peshev was a middle ranking interwar Bulgarian politician of conservative persuasion. He served briefly as Bulgarian minister of Justice in the mid 1930s, then returned to the back benches with an honorific position in parliament. He survived the Second World War and, miraculously, the communist purges that followed, though he spent a year in […]
The Game of Dead (French) Kings February 8, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
Tennis, one of the most dangerous games ever created, at least if you are a royal… Beach does not have the exact figures for how many royals ruled Europe from 1000-2000 but an approximate calculation brings up 1200. Of those twelve hundred three died from tennis, a small amount admittedly, a mere quarter of a percent, […]