Child Stealing and Bridge Building in Bosnia March 13, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
This story appeared in 1897 in the British newspapers, it circulated around the world appearing in New Zealand and Pennsylvania, as well, though it is one of those tales where there was no follow up: did it reflect facts on the ground or a desperate hack with nothing to write about? It related, in any […]
Daily History Picture: Sea Monster March 12, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesHe Was My Emperor! March 12, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Field Marshal Gustav Mannerheim was the man who created (once) and then saved Finland (twice). First, he commanded the White insurrection against the Reds in Helsinki in 1918 leading the country to independence from Russia (which was becoming the USSR). Second, he commanded the Finnish army in the Winter War, and third, he commanded the same army in […]
Daily History Picture: Dido’s Demise March 11, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
That bastard Aeneas in search of other Troys. The detail on the sword in the breast the rushing veil as she plunges down….
Books and the Ghost March 11, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
Aspenshaw Hall is an elegant, still standing, eighteenth century home in Derbyshire central England. It came to the attention of this blog because of a rather charming ghost story. A mile distant, and not far from Ollersett pit, is Aspenshaw Hall, which for many years was empty. It is in the middle of a wood […]
Daily History Picture: Cleaning Up Radiation March 10, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesSelling Children in the 1800s March 10, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
An amazing report from Oldham, 1888: On Monday evening a woman about 40 years of age was seen in Curzon Street with two children, one in arms, and the other, about three years old, walking by her side. From what transpired it appeared that the woman wanted to sell her children, and thereupon a large […]
Daily History Picture: Medieval Dentist March 9, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesJacob of Edessa’s America March 9, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient, Medieval
Many readers of Beachcombing will know Beach’s fellow bizarrist, Esoterx, who writes fascinating posts about ancient, medieval and modern history and in Beach’s humble opinion has the best and wittiest headlines on the internet: a recent discussion of Hellenic religion was called, for example, ‘Muppet Theology’. Often Beach knows Esoterx’s sources, as the two share […]
Beachcombing and the Telepathic Rat March 8, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Actualite
In the last few weeks rats have been seen in the garden of Chez Beachcombing. The women in the house got rather hysterical about these old grandfathers of the sewer running up and down among the roses, and they may have had a point. But the rats don’t live in our garden, they just visit […]
Unlucky Jobs: Japanese Prime Ministers, 1900-1950 March 7, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
Beach recently added to his tag on the worst careers in the world, noting how being an English or, God forbid, a Scottish king was really very dangerous in the Middle Ages. He has now decided to bring these observations up to date with presidents and prime ministers. Instead of covering periods of 500 years, […]
Review: The Victorian Book of the Dead March 6, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
In the last thirty years historians have found a new way to pattern their vast bibliographies. Rather than just include twenty pages in alphabetical order – too easy for the scholarly mind – many have decided, instead, to split the bibliography in two. The first bibliography will be primary sources and the second bibliography will […]
Daily History Picture: Bosnian Homecoming March 5, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical PicturesChurchill’s Daemon March 5, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
Strange History has noted before the belief in daemons, individual spirit guides, a Mediterranean tradition that matures into the guardian angel with the assistance of Christianity. The most striking example is certainly that of Socrates who had regular conversations with his daemon. Then there is Joan of Arc and St Michael (or whoever)… Beach today […]