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  • Daily History Picture: Snowball Fight Princeton November 20, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Snowball Fight Princeton

    Princeton students after a snowball fight: thanks to Wade for this many months ago. 22 Nov 2015: Anon X writes in with this tab that shows that snowball fights did take place. He also points out though that there are many on the net who claim that this was taken after a boxing match. Any […]

    Hating Medieval Cats #4: Waldensian Cats November 20, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Medieval
    Hating Medieval Cats #4: Waldensian Cats

    Another in our description of the cult of hate for medieval cats. The following text is anonymous and appeared in a fourteenth-century hand in MS Cotton Julius D, xi, fol. 84 r. It is short and it entitled Errores Valdensium, the Errors of the Waldensians. The Waldensians, for the uninitiated were a Christian sect that […]

    Daily History Picture: Haile and Anne November 19, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Haile and Anne

    Princess Anne (looking beautiful) talking to an ancient Haile Selassie.

    Review: A Trojan Feast November 19, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary, Modern
    Review: A Trojan Feast

    Now here’s an easy question on mythology. Tomorrow at noon you will be taken off to the infernal regions by an underworld spirit. You have twenty four hours to prep from the seventy or eighty volumes of mythology on your shelves. What one lesson do you bring away from your reading before you are taken below? It’s […]

    Daily History Picture: Man Hits Woman (Medieval Style) November 18, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Man Hits Woman (Medieval Style)

    Bayeux tapestry is often surprisingly ‘raw’: here a woman is hit by a priest? Typhon to the rescue, 22 nov 2015, After seeing the picture I would have made an uneducated guess, that maybe the woman is a heathen priestess and thus gets slapped by a priest. The structure she is standing in symbolizing some sort […]

    The Wesley Ghost #8: Jeffrey Unmasked November 18, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Wesley Ghost #8: Jeffrey Unmasked

    The best candidate for the haunting though has to be Emilia Wesley (aka Emily). What does this attribution rely upon? Well, let’s start with some minor suggestive points. First, she was fourteen at the time of the haunting, a classic poltergeist age. Second, in one of the letters Emily claimed that she gave the polt the […]

    Daily History Picture: Polish Patriot 1920 November 17, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Polish Patriot 1920

    Polish soldiers at the front in 1920 as the Red Army approaches

    The Wesley Ghost #7: Psychology of the Haunting November 17, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Wesley Ghost #7: Psychology of the Haunting

    There is a long history of trying to explain poltergeist events with reference to fakery of household members; or extreme angst within the family circle. The first is absolutely credible, given the vagaries of human nature, but difficult to deploy as an explanation when the experiences were so bizarre and so, well, ‘total’ as in the […]

    Daily History Picture: Escape in Berlin November 16, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Escape in Berlin

    Girl (late 1950s?) runs to freedom: police from the two Germanies face off. Amazing picture: why isn’t it better known?

    Improving the Twentieth Century November 16, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Contemporary
    Improving the Twentieth Century

    The IEA, one of Britain’s most serious think tanks, has recently published a list, a very stimulating list, of the thirteen great economic mistakes in British economic policy in the last century. All this got Beach thinking about the great mistakes in public policy generally since 1900. Here is a very limited list of points […]

    The Wesley Ghost #6: Feeling the Ghost November 15, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Wesley Ghost #6: Feeling the Ghost

    Physical manifestations are, after noises, the most common features of poltergeist hauntings. In this sense Jeffrey did not disappoint, but given the sheer richness of the sounds that the family heard: and the three creepy sightings of Jeffrey, the albino mongoose from hell, the casual reader might have expected that the family would have been […]

    New History Books: Hitler at Home November 14, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    New History Books: Hitler at Home

    An intimate portrayal of an empty man… Another one I’m looking forward to. Stratigakos, Hitler at Home

    The Wesley Ghost #5: Seeing the Ghost November 14, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
    The Wesley Ghost #5: Seeing the Ghost

    Unusually for a poltergeist case – or is this actually a wider phenomenon? Drbeachcombing At yahoo DOT com – Jeffrey was not just heard and felt. He was also seen. There were three occasions. I) On the first Susanna Wesley (mother not Suky) saw a ‘headless badger’ (!) under her daughter’s bed after a fit […]

    New History Books: Medieval Islamic Hospital November 13, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    New History Books: Medieval Islamic Hospital

    Looks fascinating… Hope there is lots of art work. The Medieval Islamic Hospital, Ahmed Ragab

    Daily History Picture: Neo Nazis in Sweden November 13, 2015

    Author: Beach Combing | in : Historical Pictures
    Daily History Picture: Neo Nazis in Sweden

    My blurb claims that this is a holocaust survivor attacking a Swedish neo-nazi: in any case, great photo…