Beachcombed 66 December 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, thanks as always for all the emails and communications. Everything great at chez Beachcombing. In fact, only five or six ulcers on the tongue are distracting from the pleasure of life. This month was supposed to be dedicated to Bella in the Wych Elm, but new data is still dripping in: witchcraft spy, […]
Beachcombed 65 November 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, thanks for all the emails and communications. The most exciting event of this month has been the discovery of a hidden room in the Beachcombing residence: apparently three partisans hid there in the war. We know where it is, we have worked out how big it is, but we still have not broken […]
Beachcombed 64 October 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, thanks for all the emails and communications. This month two obstacles. First, despite being pre-programmed the blog posts were not visible to all readers from 20-30 September. No idea why! they are there now: for some of you were there all the time. Second, agonising toothache kept me away from the computer for […]
Beachcombed 63 September 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Summer is over, sigh: first class tomorrow. I’ve put the very best 10,000 words below for posts from this month. Happy September! Beach American Wild Men: Bruce T. on banging stones, and Luke on a Texas wild man… Anticipating the Telephone: Sam has come across a supposed ancient telephone… Baby Loving Snakes: David M brings up […]
Beachcombed 62 August 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, August. All the stress of the audit continues: poor Mrs B is desperate… The bill has just arrived. Beach is playing Russian roulette with the management of the university where he teaches: they are trying to get him to teach two weeks more a year gratis (ain’t happening). However, now the holidays. Beach […]
Beachcombed 61 July 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, A hard but fun month of work, looking out over a garden in a blaze of flowers. Audit hell continues. Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. I’ve put the very best contributions below to the posts from this month. Thanks for all emails too […]
Beachcombed 60 June 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
May is perhaps the sweetest month of all. Had a great time with Mrs B and the kids and even written a couple of article. The tortoises are patrolling our small garden and the sun has fought off the clouds: no snakes, no head lice, no rat infestations, no audits (well actually there is but […]
Beachcombed 59 May 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Beach is knackered. An appalling month of business, exams and worst of all an audit that has driven Mrs Beachcombing to desperation. There is talk of 40,000 euros to be paid back…. Christ! Yesterday was the last exam, thank the gods, and today a headache and corrections, but almost there. Beach has been a […]
Beachcombed 58 April 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Tortoises are now out, general celebration. Just a couple more weeks of class and onto summer research. Beach needs to apologise for not getting to all the emails yet, a visit from Beach mater from the Dominions meant that there were other more important things going on. Thanks, as always, to the multiple […]
Beachcombed 57 March 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, spring in the air here now in Italy. Just ordered some giant yellow daisies and rats have appeared in the garden: March the hungriest month… Six more weeks of classes then a summer of writing. Getting an itch under my typing fingers already. Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris […]
Beachcombed 56 February 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Crappy January with a long and stubborn flu, made worse by the fact that it was necessary to work through it. But it seems now almost to be over… Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. I’ve put the very best contributions below to […]
Beachcombed 55 January 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Anarchy rages in the Beachcombing house with newborns and shifting nannies, then, this morning snow arrived on the beach. Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. I’ve put the very best contributions below to the posts from this month. Thanks to all emails too. […]
Beachcombed 54 December 1, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
First of all, thanks to all those who wrote wishing the baby and mother happy times. Mrs Beachcombing’s main concern was that ‘she’s a scorpioo’ whereas now that seems to have subsided in the general love in. Thanks to all those who sent in multiple links: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. […]
Beachcombed 53 November 1, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, the Beachcombing family is now awaiting Emily with trepidation: Mrs B can, as of today, give birth to a non-premature baby and the midwifes are buzzing like flies around ripe stilton. Huge thanks to those who sent in emails below and also to Invisible, Chris S, Ricardo, Wade and Amanda for sending in links. […]
Beachcombed 52 October 1, 2014
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Sun still shining in Italy and Mrs B with six more weeks till baby touchdown. Some tension here not least because she has opted for a home birth… den! den! den! doooorn! Huge thanks to those who sent in emails below and also to Borky, Invisible, Chris S, Ricardo, Wade and Amanda for sending in […]