Killing the Witch’s Rooster? February 3, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Modern
The most important thing about nineteenth-century witchcraft reports in British, Irish and American newspapers is that they reveal a series of beliefs that were actually practiced, but that were often too intimate and ‘stupid’ to share with a folklorist. The result is that these neglected newspaper reports are the closest that we come to the […]
The Rhino’s Horn and Memory February 2, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Ancient
Every so often Beach gets a post from a reader that practically writes itself and the extent of this blogger’s work is the cut and paste button. Here is one such example that goes in the well established oral transmission tag. The correspondent and author was Indranil. Can any reader help out Indranil and his […]
Beachcombed 56 February 1, 2015
Author: Beach Combing | in : Beachcombed
Dear Reader, Crappy January with a long and stubborn flu, made worse by the fact that it was necessary to work through it. But it seems now almost to be over… Thanks, as always, to the multiple linkers: Amanda, Chris, Chris S, Joan, Ricardo, Wade and others. I’ve put the very best contributions below to […]